Tracy's blog message was indeed hopeful, I replied there ,so i will not repeat myself. But as I read it i had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
We have here in Edmonton one of the hatches from this same ledge in 2006.( the female) so although dangerous in our eyes, maybe not in theirs.
As I said somewhere before we cannot know what make s them make the decisions they do but we have to accept them.
I will keep my fingers crossed for them.
They may just be going through a grieving process now or re bonding.
It is nice to connect on these blogs with other people who feel as we do and have the passion for these raptors.
I also follow many nests but I have not been able to do so enthusiastically since Friday.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring new zest.
this year has been an unusually bad year because of weather but someone reminded me that is natures way. Hard as it may be nature has a plan.( unfortunately man has interfered with our environment which in turn has adversely affected nature)
I am off my soap box now.

Have a good evening everyone and hope for a brighter tomorrow.