Author Topic: Radisson - 2008 / Trey & Princess  (Read 551562 times)

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Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1246 on: June 09, 2008, 14:03 »
Ah I KNEW you were all out there.. just waiting for ME to open MY big mouth and start the ball rolling..

Glad to see that this little community is still out there.

"""Pam who works across the street is going to keep an eye out for them when she can""", 

Everyone say Hi to Pam  across the street !  HI PAM !... and thank you for helping us all not go thru withdrawl.

Still hot and sunny here in Mississauga... 40+ degrees... good thing our eggs are hatched and the babies are ready for flight, otherwise we'd have FRIED eggs..
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 14:31 by The Peregrine Chick »


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1245 on: June 09, 2008, 13:44 »
I heard the bad news only yesterday and I'm still so shocked.  We drove through the terrible rain early Friday morning on our way to a weekend in the States, and I did not get a chance to check my email til yesterday.  It's truly heartbreaking.

It's a very sad thing and I have trouble coming up with the right thing to say.  After reading all of the posts since Friday I will just say that I share many of the sentiments already expressed and thank you to Tracy and all involved for your hard work.

Offline Marie

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1244 on: June 09, 2008, 13:43 »
Was checking in too..didn't know how to start.
Happy to read Tracy's blog re: Brandon babies.
Hope you are doing ok today Tracy.

I miss Princess,Trey and the babies a lot,especially mornings.

Still hoping


Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1243 on: June 09, 2008, 13:30 »
Like most everyone else I've been watching the board but didn't know what to say.  Been busy working on other things online.

LOL Yeppers we canadians love our weather and can I say here we go again? Environment Canada has posted a watch for more severe thunderstorms yippee. Yesterday was bad enough don't want anymore the day after.

I too keep thinking about Trey and Princess in their bird world doing their thing.  Someone mentioned missing the chicks and the forum, here here to that, me too.  

Yes it's wait and see and honestly I've never been good at the waiting part but was thinking over the weekend how all of this has been such a huge learning experience.

I had to laugh when I read Tracy's post in the thread that she was going to lock, she didn't hit that button?  Ummmm that would help wouldn't it? LOL  It sounds like from reading through all the threads that this year has been particulary tough on alot of birds, cold and rainy, not really typical late spring weather. It's of little consolation regarding our 3 chicks, still hurts even though it is Mother Nature that dictates our weather.  

Eagle :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1242 on: June 09, 2008, 13:24 »
No news on Trey and Princess today, haven't been by the Radisson.  Pam who works across the street is going to keep an eye out for them when she can, I'll post anything she sees when she sees it.  She did send me some photos from Friday, some of Princess after she left the ledge and Trey up on the communications tower watching the rescue crew on the roof.  She even has one of me getting rained on on the street (thanks Pam!  :o)  I'll post the pics of the birds tonight, I have to be on the computer finishing a presentation so I should be able to carve out enough time to add them to the photo gallery.  Will post a link here when they are up.  Also have a video clip from Saturday of Trey on the ledge.  Hope to get it converted and posted soon (I'll be pm-ing you Grelber).

Oh, and you might want to check out today's blog ....

Offline ballywing

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1241 on: June 09, 2008, 13:05 »
Ha Ha - Exactly!!!!  ;D  ;D

Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1240 on: June 09, 2008, 12:53 »
Me too, I kept checking and wanting to start something, but couldn't think of anything to say. Finally went to the Peregrine room to talk about the weather... ::) ::)- I figured everyone was waiting for somebody else to say something. . ;D ;D - Hopefully one day soon we'll have more to talk about, there's still hope for that. I know Tracy will tell us any news of P&T - meanwhile we just wait and miss the chicks & our forum world... :-\

Typical Canadians.. if nothing else.. we can talk about the weather.. LOL

Offline ballywing

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1239 on: June 09, 2008, 12:52 »
Me too, I kept checking and wanting to start something, but couldn't think of anything to say. Finally went to the Peregrine room to talk about the weather... ::) ::)- I figured everyone was waiting for somebody else to say something. . ;D ;D - Hopefully one day soon we'll have more to talk about, there's still hope for that. I know Tracy will tell us any news of P&T - meanwhile we just wait and miss the chicks & our forum world... :-\

Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1238 on: June 09, 2008, 12:49 »
I was doing the same thing.. waiting for someone to say something, anything.. and me being me, could not keep quiet any longer... and didn't know what to say.  I know Tracy has other things to do, ( and we all have other things we SHOULD be doing lol).. but I hope she can find the time to update us on any activity there.

I see there are a few people on the board, but I guess we've run out of things to say, and what can you say at this point really?

Just FYI.. its over 40 degrees and sunny here in Mississauga. ( nah nah nah.. )   :P  ;)

Offline dupre501

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1237 on: June 09, 2008, 12:48 »
Hi Loriann,

You beat me to it.

I don't post very often, I often just read other posts and silently agree with many of the sentiments expressed.

But that doesn't mean that I haven't been around this forum and its predecessors before.  I find that a lot of people who post here mention that they found this site last year and once they found it were devoted fans.  Well, I was one of the devoted fans too, but I was a returning fan from 2006.  Yes, the previous time that Trey and Princess nested on the ledge.  Back then there wasn't streaming video (thank you Larry for the upgrade) and we watched the still images and counted the seconds till the next one.  The forum wasn't as easy to use nor was it instantly updated as it is now.

Are there any others out there who remember this?

Offline Moonstar

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1236 on: June 09, 2008, 12:44 »
I am glad you posted something Loriann.
I kept going on the foum this morning to see if anyone posted anything.  I could see there were people online viewing the posts already there but no one was posting.  I wanted to but did not know how to start or what to say.

Today is a bleak cool day like Friday was.  We have had a lot of rain fall over night and this morning.  I don't think as much rain fell but it is so dreary out there.

I do believe everyone is thinking about Tracy and her helpers and Princess and Trey.  I know they are on my mind a lot.

It just seems so unfair the way Mother Nature works at times.  Usually we do not know the outcome so it doesn't affect us.  These little ones had so many people watching and pulling for them.  So many people were so attached to them which makes it all so hard.

I just look forward to posts from Tracy on how Princess and Trey are and how the Brandon family is doing.  I believe Tracy also has photos of all of them and when she has time she will be posting them.

Thanks again for starting something here.
Hope every one is having fairly good day.

Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1235 on: June 09, 2008, 12:31 »

Ok, I'll do it...

Seeing as no one else has started a 'topic of the day', I'll do it.

Tracy, have you seen Princess or Trey today?  Even though no one is posting today, both they and you are still in our thoughts.  Hope today is a brighter day for everyone.


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1234 on: June 09, 2008, 01:16 »
Trey and Princess are going to what they want when they want I'm afraid.  However, if they do decide to re-nest, it will be sooner rather than later  This year, Trey returned on March 31st and the first egg was laid on April 19th.  Since there is no need to renew their acquaintance after the winter away from one another.  Previous re-nestings usually occurred about two weeks after the first nest was lost.  Keep in mind that Trey and Princess have not lost a nest before so I can't speak to what exactly these two birds will do, just what other Manitoba peregrines have done in the past.  Only one re-nest took place in the location where the original nest failed.  That was Madame, and she very much preferred the nestbox over her years as the Radisson resident female.  All other renests have been in the nestbox.  If (if) they re-nest, there is a very good chance that they will use the nestbox.

As for scent, its not a factor in nestsite selection.  So no worries there.  We tend not to over-clean the nestboxes pre- and post-season.  We leave bones et al in the box so that the sites are familiar, or at least seem undisturbed by humans.

And Trey's "scraping", though it is part of the pre-nesting ritual, now it could be reinforcing/renewing his pair bond with Princess and/or his/their territorial rights.  We will just have to see.  I hope to get the spy-cam back online so that I can watch what Trey and Princess are up to, but until then, Pam across the street is watching out for them.  Will keep you updated!

The Peregrine Chick

Offline tortiebird

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1233 on: June 08, 2008, 23:10 »
This might be a weird question but would Trey and Princess follow scent? What if some of the rocks were takin off the ledge and put in the nest box then maybe Trey and Princess would go to the nest box next year... or still hoping for a chance this year..

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1232 on: June 08, 2008, 22:47 »
Tracy's blog message was indeed hopeful, I replied there ,so i will not repeat myself. But as I read it i had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

We have here in Edmonton one of the hatches from this same ledge in 2006.( the female)  so although dangerous in our eyes, maybe not in theirs.

As I said somewhere before we cannot know what make s them make the decisions they do but we have to accept them.
I will keep my fingers crossed for them.
They may just be going through a grieving process now  or re bonding.

It is nice to connect on these blogs with other people who feel as we do and have the passion for these raptors.

I also follow many nests but I have not been able to do so enthusiastically since Friday.
Hopefully  tomorrow will bring new zest.

this year has been an unusually bad year because of weather but someone reminded me that is natures way. Hard as it may be   nature has a plan.( unfortunately man has interfered  with our environment which in turn has adversely affected nature)
I am off my soap  box now. ;) ;)

Have a good evening everyone and hope for a brighter tomorrow. :)