So glad to hear/read of everyone's fun and sense of humour! Winnepeg sure seems to have a lot of entertainment scheduled!
I'm glad to hear someone has a bird's eye view of P, T, and the nesting ledge and the nesting box! Pam and Mother Hen must have a hard time concentrating on work --- I know I would! I'd be glued to the window.
It will be sad, but also good to see the photos Pam took when they come up. I had wondered where Trey was on Friday and figured he was watching from somewhere.
Reading through the other sad events in all those links in today's blog really made me realize that knowing what happened to the chicks and knowing it was nature and not terrible human ill-will is somehow a relief, well relief is not the right word, but I'm glad we know it was nature and exactly what happened. I think it would be harder if we were like the nest in San Francisco (?) where the chicks all died in the nest without any known cause yet or even worse, if the chicks, adults, (and we) were victims of terrible human activity.
Anyway, so happy to hear there's some activity and 'checking things out' going on in the nest box! Will gladly linger on that happy, hopeful thought tonight!
Nice to know everyone seems to be doing a bit better