I couldn't get on the Internet last night, so could not report.
Yesterday evening, just before I arrived, Froona was on top of the heart institute, and very comfortable; but she got scared off by maintenance people who opened the door on the roof. She was panicky, and flew to the CSB, but could not seem to find a place to land, and sort of hit, or fluttered against, the side of the building; she then flew over the CSB and then the heart institute, and finally landed across the street on one of the ledges on Newton Place. We do not think she was injured, but she was in a tight spot on the ledge, and could not stretch her wings, and we believe she lost her confidence. Her brothers landed on the roof of Newton Place, and they flew around to encourage her to fly up to them, but she didn't budge. The boys then played aerial tag and catch-me-if-you-can for a while, enjoying their flying skills. Although Froona watched them, and did alot of calling, she did not join them. The parents flew over a few times, and kept an eye on things.
It will be somewhat difficult for her to fly off that edge because she does not have room for wing-flapping, so even though she has the power, she also has the weight, and she would have to really launch herself off the side of the building to gain altitude; at the time I left, we did not think she felt secure enough to do that. At the time I left, at 9:00 p.m., she was still there.
Other than this, our youngsters were doing very well; but Bev, I know, will be down there first thing this morning; we are all concerned about how Froona will lift off and gain the needed altitude from such a narrow ledge.