Author Topic: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe  (Read 95155 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #84 on: May 10, 2010, 11:49 »
Considering how many times this little bird re-nests every single year, she deserves "Mother's Week"!!!
Yes, you sure are right about that, TPC! She has re-nested 5 times, laying 2 eggs each time, since January!  :o

The Kinderchicklets were very excited to see one of Phoebe's chicks this morning, face planted down in the nest! ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #83 on: May 10, 2010, 10:14 »
Considering how many times this little bird re-nests every single year, she deserves "Mother's Week"!!!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #82 on: May 09, 2010, 13:34 »
Very exciting news! One of Phoebe's little chicks hatched this morning morning! ;D Her name is "Hope"... great name, considering Phoebe has had such a tough time with her eggs/chicks surviving these past few months. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, PHOEBE!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #81 on: May 05, 2010, 16:13 »
Lots of excitement for Phoebe this morning! The Kinderchicklets kept hearing a dog barking in the background, (while we were singing "O Canada" at school, I might add!), then the webcam appeared to move and the nest went out of site. Then we saw a man walking over to the webcam. I guess he was adjusting the camera. The 'chicklets found all of this quite amusing!  ;) Everything's all settled down now and Phoebe is back on her nest. Hatch date is scheduled for Mother's Day! ;D

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #80 on: April 30, 2010, 13:33 »
The Kinderchicklets watched Phoebe on the other computer in their classroom this morning and were very interested to see the difference between her wee tiny nest in the branch of a Rose bush and the nest of Edmonton's Mother Goose, in a big bale of hay! They even got to see one of Phoebe's eggs when she left her nest for a few minutes!  :D 

Offline Elaine L

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #79 on: April 26, 2010, 12:58 »
That Phoebe!  What a hardworking bird she is, especially considering how small she is.  She hardly ever stops working; I have seen her actually sleeping (with one eye open) only twice since I have been watching this cam.

Offline allikat

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #78 on: April 26, 2010, 10:41 »
I am so excited that Phoebe has laid two more eggs! 

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #77 on: April 26, 2010, 08:48 »
Very exciting news! Looks as if Pheobe Allen has laid 2 more eggs! ;D Sure do hope she has more success with these eggs! :-*

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #76 on: April 22, 2010, 20:04 »
If you poke around in Phoebe's site (the Allen Hummingbird at this site is named Pheobe) there is lots of information and links to rescue shelters in California. I learned a lot.
Yes, bcf, I have just recently begun poking around Phoebe Allen's website and have been learning alot myself! :D Lots of information there, for sure!

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #75 on: April 22, 2010, 19:58 »
If you poke around in Phoebe's site (the Allen Hummingbird at this site is named Pheobe) there is lots of information and links to rescue shelters in California. I learned a lot.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #74 on: April 22, 2010, 19:40 »
In reviewing both of the links to both of these different Allen's Hummingbird webcams, which both happen to be in California, it seems as if I am the one who was confused! ::) Both Hummingbirds are in fact Allen's Hummingbirds, a particular species of Hummingbird! (Thanks for pointing that out to me, TPC!) :-* I guess what was confusing for me, was trying to follow posts about 2 different Hummingbirds and 2 different webcams on the same thread! Well, that and not noticing the correct spelling of the word "Allen"! ::)

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #73 on: April 21, 2010, 22:13 »
Kinderchick, don't stop learning.  I am in the late 40's and I am still learning new things about birds!  The day I stop learning is the day I take my last breath.  ;D

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #72 on: April 21, 2010, 19:41 »
Especially Kinderchick since the species of hummingbird is an "Allen's Hummingbird"  :o :D ;) :-*
Well, who knew?!  ??? None other than you, TPC?! ;) And here I thought "Allen" and "Allan" were the last names of the people who set up the different webcams in their yards! ::) LOL!!! I did not even realize that "Allen" is a species of Hummingbird! :o Thanks for the Wikipedia info.  :-* This teacher sure has alot to learn yet! ;)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2010, 13:07 »
Especially Kinderchick since the species of hummingbird is an "Allen's Hummingbird"  :o :D ;) :-*

From Wikipedia ...

The Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin, is a species of hummingbird. The Allen's Hummingbird is a small bird, with mature adults reaching only 3 to 3½ inches (75 to 90 mm) in length. The male Allen's has a green back and forehead, with rust-colored rufous flanks, rump, and tail. The male's throat is also an iridescent orange-red. The female and immature Allen's Hummingbirds are similarly colored, but lack the iridescent throat patch, instead having a series of speckles on their throat. Females are mostly green, featuring rufous colors only on the tail, which also has white tips. The female and immature Allen's Hummingbirds are so similar to the female Rufous Hummingbird that the two are almost indistinguishable in the field. Both species' breeding seasons and ranges are common factors used to differentiate between the two species in a particular geographical area.

The Allen's Hummingbird is common only in the brushy woods, gardens, and meadows of coastal California from Santa Barbara north, and a minuscule portion of lower Oregon. The nominate race of Allen's Hummingbird S.s. sasin is migratory, and winters along the Pacific coast of central Mexico. A second race S.s. sedentarius is a permanent resident on the Channel Islands off southern California. This population colonized the Palos Verdes Peninsula of Los Angeles County in the 1960s and has since spread over much of Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Allen's Hummingbirds - California / Phoebe (2010)
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2010, 00:03 »
Makes sense ... also means I'm merging this thread into the webcam thread so that folks can keep up with the story!
There may be a bit of confusion here, TPC.  :-\ There are two different Hummingbird webcams on this thread, both with similar last names. Pheobe Allen is a Hummingbird in Orange County, California and Bitsy Allan is a different Hummingbird in San Juan Capistrano, California. Go figure? ???