Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: carly on June 12, 2009, 14:15 ---Parent is in, I see 3 heads and chicks standing.  2 are noticably bigger than the other - 2 girls and a boy maybe! 
--- End quote ---

Very maybe at this stage, really too young to gauge gender based on size ... remember Taku and Mistrale, she was half the size of her male siblings and Taku (another female) was the same size as the boys!

Parent is in, I see 3 heads and chicks standing.  2 are noticably bigger than the other - 2 girls and a boy maybe!

The Peregrine Chick:
No.  Its not that simple, the birds have be in the phase of the reproductive cycle where the presence of a chick illicits a protective response.  For some birds, this is most of the time, for others not so much.  Trey and Princess are experienced adults and they turned down my offer of foster chicks last year, whereas the pair on William Osler in Ontario took over pre-fledging chicks from another TO site this year.  (Hope I'm remembering the locations correctly).  And there is no reason to take a fourth chick out of a nest, four is a standard nest number - if all the other chicks are fine, then there is no reason to believe that the fourth one is being neglected (peregrines don't practice infanticide).

I'll go see if I can't spot the chick and report back later ...

all the time.. go to the Mississauga Executive Centre thread., or the newest one, the William Ostler thread for an absolutley awesome story of hacking our orphaned babes from here in mississauga to the new parents in etobicoke.. their eggs did not hatch, our babies needed new parents,and poooooof instant family !

They would never take a chick out of a nest to foster unless something was wrong or they felt the young were in danger somehow - by law you aren't allowed to remove them for just any old reason.  We just had a fostering done in Toronto where a new female killed the mother of three chicks.  In this case it was decided to remove the chicks from the nest because the new female may have harmed the offspring as they weren't hers.  In another case in Italy - although they were kestrels not peregrines - 3 chicks were removed when the male (dad) was killed by a car and the female would not have been able to raise 5 offspring on her own.

But from 2 healthy parents, no they wouldn't remove a young one.  IF the young one had died, the parents would remove the body from the nest though. 


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