Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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we have 4 lovely chicks
it has been a bad few days with wind warnings and rain, but this pair have been medal winners. they would get blown off front but managed to find a way in with food, by going sideways. we thought we would loose chicks at one point. I have so many pciutres but just posted a few
before winds

male struggles to say put

male delivered food by going sideways

female finally gets a rest

may 5

pretty sure we have 4 eggs here. hard to see with this cam thi s year. it owuld have been sometime between dark  may4 and first light may5 . I say , overnight.


egg 3 sometime between dark last night and first light thi s morning

male on outside

The Peregrine Chick:
I want eggs too!  in Winnipeg!  now!  ;D

Good to see the second egg this morning:


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