Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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In mid-June this year, Genesee Operations staff found three Peregrine Falcon nests inside the vent of one of the Genesee Units. The nests contained five eggs. It’s thought since the usual male was late returning from his migration that a young male introduced these new nesting sites to the females rather than the existing nesting box. It appeared that the adults were not sitting on the eggs in the multiple nests so a decision was made by Gordon Court of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development to remove the eggs to a local raptor nursery. These eggs will be incubated to see if they are viable; if they are not, they will be used to monitor DDT levels in the eggs.

Determined to see falcons raised on the Genesee site this year, three falcon chicks were transported from a local raptor nursery and introduced to the nesting box on June 14. It was thought based on Court’s experience that the adult falcons, once they no longer had their own eggs to look after would accept and care for the chicks.

That same day, both a male and a female falcon were observed at the nesting box but did not return to care for the chicks. After two days of observation and hand feeding, it was concluded that the adults were not displaying any nesting habits. As a result, the chicks were removed from the nesting box and returned to the nursery under the care of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.

From this it was concluded that there are no other nests at Genesee and unfortunately signifies the end of the nesting season at Genesee for 2010. We remain committed to maintaining and monitoring the Genesee nesting box and we will provide the public with updates if any nesting activity is observed.

I will share with you what I can.  It was 30 years today that our program started fostering chicks. this is the first time it did not take.  Not sure  why, It did not take ,  but the pair are still there and do not seem to be nesting anywhere else. They had several scrapes under the vents. This pair has nested in the box before so she could have been lured there by the male that was there before TR male.   There were 5 eggs and they do not seem to have been incubated but they have been put in  an incubator and will be monitored.(It would be nice if at least one hatched).  They can do nothing to stop them from going under the vents but hopefully this will not happen next year.  Not a good place  becasue wind blows constantly at 6okm/hr all cay ,every day.  The 3 chicks were taken back to breeder.  so we will wait for next  year.  Peter and I will occasionally go out there and visit them. It is a nice drive.

Thanks TPC.  Gord was very confident it would work, as they were just off eggs, but we cannot control nature.

I am sure they are disappointed out at Genesse also.  And  guess who turned up at around 6pm last night(courtesy of SGB)

I will put a report here later today

The Peregrine Chick:
It happens Bev, don't take it as an indication that the pair are not going to be excellent parents next year.  In 2008, Trey and Princess wouldn't take on the job and they were definitely capable of taking on two young healthy chicks.  The upside is that now the adults get to replenish their reserves, renew/solidify their pair bond.  Their fans get to watch them for however long they remain in the area, then try to curb their impatience until they return to this site next spring.


--- Quote from: bev. on June 16, 2010, 15:35 ---...The adults obviously have lost their nesting instinct... this was a sad day for me.
--- End quote ---

Sorry to hear that, bev. :'(


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