Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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Elaine L:
The female just went into the nestbox.  She looks quite relaxed, considering the situation.  No sign of either of the males.

Elaine L:
Every time I looked at this site this afternoon, no one has been on the eggs, and the falcons have not appeared on the camera.  Perhaps someone else has seen them.  I don't know what is going on at this moment.

Well, we will have to see how this plays out.

From 10:44am this morning, when TR male touched down, to close of  day, it was action packed. TR male would come in briefly and female was not concerned in the least. She would go out with him or go out later.   She was always back withing a half hour to sit on eggs.   There was only one period of time where she was gone for a bit over an hour.(It was warm today)

The unbanded male was not seen at all until 6:28pm.  He came in and immediatley started incubating. He did look uncertain and leary.  I really felt for him.  He then went of eggs and then was on wrung and looking all around . He went back in and lay behind eggs and then left quickly at 6:51pm He was not seen again this evening.

TR male came in shortly after .  F came in at 6:59pm and was there when cam shut down.  TR male made an appearance but female was not concerned.  At one point Tr male sniffed eggs and then female went in.  I will add a few slide shows tomorrow but I will not be able to watch much. Have commitments.  so if anyone is around I would appreciate you watching.

I hope no one is hurt but I would like to see these eggs hatch and a family raised. If TR male becomes male here again, there is a good chance they will try and take off transmitter. this will end the problem of him returning late.(or should, it did for Miss Edmonton)

Now TR male is in the box....oh lord, it's going to be a serious fight I"m thinking. 

The male is back..the unbanded one..he's with his eggs.  Some yelling going on too.


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