Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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I will try and keep this up like Bird cams around the world. 

I  will look and see what I have missed posting this last few days.
there was a major development today and if it is not posted by Genesse , I will post it.

Elaine L:
I think the problem is partly due to the fact that there are Genesee postings on both this Forum and the Bird Cams Around the World site.  I try to visit both sites, but it is really hard, and consequently, I, am maybe others, are not able to keep track of what is going on.

Everything is O.K. Elaine. I t will all become clear.

there are 4 eggs.

Elaine L:
Female is in nestbox, agitated, screaming, looking up and sideways at whoever is flying around, but she stays on the eggs.  Whichever male is causing all the agitation has not shown himself.   Perhaps the males are still battling it out.  At least, I think this means that no one is dead or injured yet.

Sorry I could not report here. I was too busy monitoring the site since MOnday.

Yesterday was a day of on again off again. TR male would come in and the female   would leave and then eventually come back.Sometimes she just stayed.  It appears that the TR male has taken site and Female incubated all night which is good. The other male was probably around yesterday by the way the TR male was very on and off and shouting. He has been courting her and she was just interested in incubating, TR male brought in a gift last night which is a good sign and then they both left . she did come right back to incubate.  this morning she was gone for quite a bit first off but has been on eggs since 7:35am and it is 10:50am.  Saw her up for a bit and could not figure out if she laid another egg or was jsut sitting.  Need her to get up now.  We will have to see how this plays out.

I will make you a slideshow later today. I have so many pictures that i will have to sort through.

Hard to take sides here. I do believe TR guy comes back late because of transmitter. I f he nests then maybe they can take it off. that was the plan last year. The other male has a interest also, and is responsible for the 3 eggs.

Another day in the peregrine soaps.  Man, oh , man!!!


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