Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 311535 times)

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2341 on: August 07, 2009, 08:03 »
I was going to post something after Bob and I got home last night, but quite honestly, after spending the evening running all over campus, this old woman was tired.  We met up with Bev and Peter behind the Education Building where we had been watching Froona and one of the boys.  After a while, they flew off and didn't return for quite a while.  Bev went travelling down to the more southern part of the main campus to see what / who she could see and was concerned that she could only see two juveniles.  Bob, Peter and I were on the parkade roof next to the Ed Bldg. ... watching pigeons for a long time. We'd pretty much given up and came back down to ground when all of a sudden the three kids flew into view. They treated us to a show before heading off to the Newton Building.  They did a little moving around and as we headed off for the night, all the kids were present and accounted for and at least one adult near by.

Bob and I were thrilled. It was the first time we'd seen all three kids fly.  It seems like only yesterday they were nothing more than four piles of puffballs in the nest box. 

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2340 on: August 06, 2009, 18:41 »
I forgot to say those were slide shows. Just click on the pictures

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2339 on: August 06, 2009, 18:15 »
Thank you so much Bev...we love everything you post and everything you've done!   :-*

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2338 on: August 06, 2009, 17:52 »
Awww...that's such a cute shot of her looking up like glad she is flying well now...such a beauty  :-* :-*

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2337 on: August 06, 2009, 17:50 »

I am playing catch up with pictures so I will give a brief description to remind you of the events
On Tuesday July28 at 9:05pm Peter saw Froona take her first flight to top of clinical science and then high and over to top of heart building, across from Newton apartments.(by helicopter pad)
On Wednesday July29 I watched her and then about noon she was scared off and nearly crashed but eventually made it to this balcony.  She is so strong. These things cannot happen next year. She would have not missed a day of flight if she was not purposely scared off.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2336 on: August 06, 2009, 17:03 »
thanks everyone .
Here a few poor shots of Sunday july26.
Yellow band made it all the way to dads building and then came back to heart building for the rest of the night.
Red flew for the first time on this day since he was rescued on the Friday night. Both boys went back to nest ledge for the night.
We thought we would have to rescue Yellow band on Saturday night as he was so low to the ground but Sunday morning he had a high strong flight to dads building.
This building is adjacent to the  nest ledge . They spent a lot of time here until Froona fledged. I was amazed that they kept her company and waited for her. They did do some flying but stayed in the area. Maybe it was mom and dads doing but it was nice to see anyway. Red kept spending a lot of time by Froona.

we will be going down after supper

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Re: U of Alberta - Fledge Watch Thank Yous
« Reply #2335 on: August 06, 2009, 14:11 »
Bev, you've gone way above and beyond the call of duty - and it wasn't really duty, all of it of your own choosing. You've made a big difference in those falcons' lives. They may not know or appreciate it, but the phanatics certainly do!

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - Fledge Watch Thank Yous
« Reply #2334 on: August 06, 2009, 12:44 »
Bev, it was a pleasure meeting you and Peter and getting to know you.  It was also great to meet everyone else who showed up for the falcon watch, Becky, Dave, Barb, Judith, Lisa, and of course the ones I never met because our schedules were different.  I will be there next year, and so will the others, I am sure.  Whatever we can do to help our bird and animal friends who share this planet with us - I cannot think of a better calling.  And whenever you need help with a falcon watch, I'll be there.  

Although we are all devoted to our falcons, no one can match your love and care - bravo, Bev!

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Re: U of Alberta - Fledge Watch Thank Yous
« Reply #2333 on: August 06, 2009, 12:35 »
Kudo's to you bev.  You have done a fantastic job!  I know I really appreciate the effort you have put into this years watch.  A big hug from me ((((hug))))!

I too believe that more people are aware of what we are striving for and the more people, the better.

Happy falcon watching!!!!!

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Re: U of Alberta - Fledge Watch Thank Yous
« Reply #2332 on: August 06, 2009, 12:24 »
Unfortunately we may never know what happened to Mr. white. It is a puzzle because he had not really taken a flight yet. He just had a short leap to the adjacent building and we retrieved him  from the ground  on June 23.  He seemed very well , and in good shape. On Wednesday he lay low until noon and then appeared again after 4. It is not as if he had been flying for 2 days and then disappeared. He had not left the ledge yet. but I believe a greater force was in play and our other 3 are doing well.

The enthusiasm shown by the people who took part in the fledge watch was just so gratifying. Most came out more than what they signed up for.  And most are willing to take part in a bigger way next year.
I must say I did not enjoy the press. That is not who I am. They started to annoy me. I do have someone who is willing to deal with them next year. I do not need the credit for this, as my goal was solely to make sure the Falcons had a good chance to make it to migration. If this watch gives us even one more falcon to make it through the  first year, then it was a success.
So thank-you all for support , and we will continue to watch the family until they make it to migration.

And thank-you to all here at this forum , and BCATW   for supporting your own sites . It is just so neat to see how excited everyone is abut seeing the kids go through the paces.
I have to believe there is hope for our nature  world when we have so much compassion at these sites

Happy watching and I will post when i can .

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U of Alberta - Fledge Watch Thank Yous
« Reply #2331 on: August 06, 2009, 12:24 »
I wanted to write a statement about our  falcon watch this year.

I know 5 retrievals make it sound like our kids were not good fliers. Not the case.  We had some unwanted interference by maintenance workers . They were on the roof of where Mr. Red had been put. This spooked the chicks into flying before ready.  (the  cause of 2 retrievals.)
This is something that will have to be addressed and I am hoping to work with everyone to make sure this does not happen again.
I think things got a bit slack around the site  and now there is such a change over with the new hospital ,that reminders need to be put in place.

Also that white contraption needs to be addressed. It caused a lot of problems for the guys and Froona. (the cause of at least one retrieval) and it delayed the  first flights of Mr. White, Mr. Yellow, and Froona.They could not flap in there without hitting their wings and  they did  not seem to be able to figure out how to get out.

It was indirectly the cause of Mr. Red being knocked from his perch(first retrieval).
Also the new hospital is so close that the kids have trouble getting up the momentum and hit the building . Unfortunately that is here to stay but I think if we can address some of the other issues it will go smoother for the kids.

As usual , a few  people ask . Why not change the nest site??? The falcons chose this site. Except for the new  building it is basically a good site after they get their wings under them.

I am so pleased by the response to the  falcon  watch. We had so much interest and I believe a great public awareness has developed. So many in the area never knew they were there. We even had patients in the hospital going to the viewing windows and watching them while they were at the nest site.
We had hospital staff coming and eating lunch with us. I get e-mails at home asking how they are doing.  We have security asking how the guys are doing. But I am hoping to get more information out there for next year. We will miss the construction workers who helped in a few retrievals.
And when Peter and I go walking now there is usually some other people looking  for the kids also.

I put this together at the last minute so it was draining on me but next year it will be more organized and there will be more key people so I  can take a break.  You are lucky in Winnipeg to have watchers in the downtown and from the office buildings. And Tracy is right there if something goes wrong.

That is why I stayed all the time,so we would have consistency, as this had not been done before here. We all see the need for the watch  with the changing environment on campus.

We were lucky to have people like Eli , and Barb, who knew how to do retrievals. Peter was also shown by Gord.
We have people like Lisa who is a real organizer and Becky , who knows a lot about contacts on campus. Rosemarie,  and Barb and  Judith who stayed there longer than their shifts or   just showed up,  when they  knew I was going to be alone. I could go on and on. So many wonderful people people. Some posted here  for me when I phoned them.  and then others joined the Manitoba site and posted of their own accord.(Bob and Carol, Becky,Eli)) this is so great. If I have not mentioned your name it is not because you were not valuable. My mind is fuzzy these days.

And my wonderful Peter,(Mr. Bev.,) who supported my passion for these raptors. Even  my daughter and family , who came to their mothers rescue, to tidy up the nest site at home, and do my yard work.(And make sure  their dad and I were eating properly)

I guess I am too long winded so I have to post in another post the rest of this ;D ;D

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2330 on: August 06, 2009, 00:21 »
Thank you for that report Bev...Yes, it is nice to be down watching in the evening to make sure the kids are all tucked in for the night.
Sounds like the kids are coming along very well and they are getting stronger by the minute. 
Now you get to watch aerial acrobatics being performed by the Mom and Dad watch with pride.
Enjoy Bev...and again, Thank you!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2329 on: August 06, 2009, 00:11 »
We were at the site tonight and had the pleasure of Becky and DAves company.

Dad was sitting in the vent behind the Ed building . One kid was on the medical science building , one was on the aerial of the Ed building and one was sitting on the top of the Ed building. Dad then flew to the aerial on the extension of the Ed building. YOu can tell dad because his front is so white.
 Did not know where mom was at this time.
One of the kids came in and knocked the other of the aerial. They changed positions a few times. silly kids. :) :)

BEcky may remember this better than me.
I am not as tense now. I think it is called rest ;D ;D

A bit of a show was put on and we always enjoy this. They go right upside down and the crossovers are amazing.
Froona is such a yeller.  :-* :-*

WE had a coffee and then as we were leaving Peter andI went to see the kids tuck in.

One was on the heart building just below the Helicopter Pad ::) ::) I think this is Froona.

The other 2 were on the Newton apartments and then they flew off and we found them together on a ledge on  College Plaza on northside.
Mom and dad were tucked in in their usual spots.

We did see one of the boys try and stoop a pigeon. He is getting better. Needs to dive into it more.
Then I believe it was Froona that tried to get one behind the hospital.
It will come. They are such a delight and fun to watch.

Always nice to have them all accounted for. That is why I like to go later in the evening.
It is getting darker sooner . This means that summer is fading.
it was getting damn cool out there  tonihgt.
Lots of adventures for the kids to come.
Night all


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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2328 on: August 05, 2009, 20:18 »
Great pictures, Bev and Peter. See you both tomorrow.


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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2327 on: August 05, 2009, 15:50 »
Great slide shows Bev!!  Finally I'm home and I can view them and thanks for the update on their progress today!  I like to think looking at those photos of Mr White that he is out there somewhere, he looked awfully good and healthy in the pictures so I"m going to hold out hope!  maybe he ran into Cassie or Miss Edmonton and they decided Radisson had her hands full so they've adopted him and are looking after him ;)