Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 311541 times)

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Becky M

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2326 on: August 05, 2009, 13:58 »
I was down at the site this morning and saw all 5 falcons.

Dad was on the north west corner of  Newton apartments.
One kid was on suite hotel antennae and Froona was on a lower part of Ed building  extension eating with mom on the aerial above her. One of the kids was on the back of the Ed building.
then mom flew off with the food and Froona followed.
Mom went into vent behind  Ed building with prey and left it there and then sat on the side. Froona landed on the back of Ed building also(of course she was vocal)

Glad to see this post, as when I went for lunch, all I could see was an adult (dad) on NW corner of newton place! Ill see what I can find when I go home at the end of the day, and have a feeling Ill be coming back tonight after dinner to see if I can see anyone flying around etc. :)

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2325 on: August 05, 2009, 13:27 »
Thanks for the detail on that Bev, glad to hear that they didn't hurt her at all.  :-*

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2324 on: August 05, 2009, 13:16 »
Just an answer to a few questions.
The juvenile  yesterday was definitely a Peregrine  falocn. It was right overhead. And I believe it was a female as it was about the size of Froona. The kids were actually playing tag  at the time and then I saw 4 and it was the same size as Froona. and then the adults. At first I thought the parents were joining in . silly me. It took a few  seconds to sink in.
That is why I was confused last Thursday and yesterday.
It also cacked like our juveniles so I believe it was just from another site. It was an awesome flier as I watched its moves with the adults until it cleared out of the territory.
It was not the same type of chase as with  the adult intruders. Radisson  actually had some feathers ruffled in  that one. Lots of talon touching and clipping and chupping. Very nerve wracking on the ground.

Our adults did accept a juvenile last year(HOpe) but it was at the same time Cassie fledged and it had already  fledged and come to the ground.
they  were still around the clinical science building.
Peter an d I learned so much last year but nothing compared to what we are learning this year.
Off to dig out my nest box now. I am running a close second to Radisson ;D ;D ;D

Offline bccs

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2323 on: August 05, 2009, 13:06 »
Thanks Bev, nice to know that they're still the same. ::)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2322 on: August 05, 2009, 13:04 »
I was down at the site this morning and saw all 5 falcons.

Dad was on the north west corner of  Newton apartments.
One kid was on suite hotel antennae and Froona was on a lower part of Ed building  extension eating with mom on the aerial above her. One of the kids was on the back of the Ed building.
then mom flew off with the food and Froona followed.
Mom went into vent behind  Ed building with prey and left it there and then sat on the side. Froona landed on the back of Ed building also(of course she was vocal)
when we post some of other shots you  will see the different parts of this building and the vent.
this is how I left them.
Froona is a strong flier and is very good at playi8ng tag with her brothers. She squeals a lot.
Mr. red continues to be a stinker.
Mr. Yellow is the grown up of the 3.  Mr White was on par with him so they might have been together.
but will not dwell on it.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2321 on: August 05, 2009, 12:53 »
I forgot I had these shots form day one of f ledge watch.
this was the day that Mr. white accidentally found himself out on white contraption , and then fell in . He remained there all the nest day until Mr. Yellow also fell in and then Mr. Yellow flew out and eventually Mr. white barely made it out.
And Tracy is right.
I am just enjoying what I see. I think it is a juvenile from another site and the parents do not want it around right now.

If it had been just after the first guys fledged they probably would have fed it.

But I think after the attack by 2 adults last week they are erring on the side of caution.

these guys constantly amaze me.

slideshow  from  the first day  june 20.

I have to do some work now but I will get others started today.

I am e-mailing you Tracy
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 13:05 by bev. »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2320 on: August 05, 2009, 12:46 »
Maybe yes, maybe no.  Could be they are reacting first and assessing the threat later.  If it is a juvenile that won't go away - and a hungry, unable-to-hunt juvenile probably wouldn't go away if there were adults and similarly aged juveniles getting fed - the adults would probably start to respond to begging vocalizations.  If all the intruder is a juvenile and not exhibiting attention-seeking behaviour, no reason for the adults to not consider him/her a threat to their young.  And keep in mind that the Edmonton birds are a late nest - they are weeks behind other nests so it could be an able-to-hunt juvenile already on the move away from his/her natal area.

Again, enjoy the mystery folks, this is what makes watching the peregrines so much fun ... that and there is absolutely no way to know all that is going on in "your" peregrines' lives or minds ...

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2319 on: August 05, 2009, 12:36 »
Soo...if they are chasing this one out so aggressively to the point of rounding up the kids to a safe place ..then what does that mean?  They obviously see him/her as a threat or maybe it's not a PF?  Or they just naturally protect them even from other juvies, like a natural instinct - round up kids, protect, ask questions later?  I've never had a juvie that doesn't belong here to come into our area...well not that I've ever witnessed personally so that's why I ask.

And oh didn't know that about Radisson!!  Maybe Mr White takes after his Mama  ;)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 12:39 by carly »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2318 on: August 05, 2009, 12:24 »
Well the fact tht he showed up about 8 or 9 days afterwards is what is making me wonder...I mean I don't know how he would have survived as he didn't know how to hunt but TPC did say it does happen.  May just be from the downtown site but as he's come back again to chase the makes me wonder... 

Pretty sure TPC mentionned also  ;)  that just because we can't see/find them, doesn't mean their parents can't / haven't / don't.  If Mr White reappears sometime in the next ten years, Radisson and Damon knew where he was all the time he was "gone" ... and no, he wouldn't be able to hunt well enough to support himself immediately after fledging.

As for being away, peregrines are very tolerant of juveniles in their territories - think about Hope and Cassie last year.  They were accepted by the adults simply because a human introduced Hope, the adults are hard-wired to respond to the behaviour/vocalizations of a chick/fledgling - its why projects like ours has been able to foster captive-bred chicks in wild nests (and with other species of raptors in captive breeding programs) over the years.

Mr White will turn up or not, don't obsess about it folks, its one of the givens in this kind of project.  Hope for the best, enjoy the mystery and the potential for a great surprise tomorrow, next week, next year or ....  We didn't find Radisson between day three after fledging and when she turned up in Edmonton last year - our not knowing where she went didn't hurt her any!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 12:31 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2317 on: August 05, 2009, 11:54 »
A wonderful slide show Bev...thank you for that.   :)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2316 on: August 05, 2009, 11:46 »
a slideshow from June21.
This brought tears to my eyes as it has Mr. white in it. He was so gorgeous.
this is the day all heck broke loose.
Mr. Red was accidentally knocked from perch and we had to retrieve him from parkade.
He had to be put on adjacent roof becasue security could not find right key. this was the start of many things to come which should not have happened.
Mr. yellow flew over there and then Mr. white.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2315 on: August 05, 2009, 07:32 »
Gord is away uh til aug17.

I will e-mail another biologist friend of mine your questions about Mr. white.,but  I really doubt it. It would be nice to think he made it but.........

the Edmonton site will not know the answers. They are depending on me for an update for the web cam, which will come in a few days.
Carol, when we are there we walk around the area, from the Ed building to College plaza.
I am off to meet a few now.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2314 on: August 05, 2009, 04:52 »
It is possible Linderlou especially as they never found Mr White injured or his little body.   Not sure what shape he'd be in but you can never say never I suppose.  And no it's not a stupid question at all, not in the least.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2313 on: August 04, 2009, 22:23 »
Of course reading about a juvie being in the area again, brings me back to my original question on Jul 30 @ 17.51pm.
Okay I'll ask the stupid question. If it was a juvie intruder, any chance it could of been Mr. White who has been missing?
There was no response from the Edmonton site on this. Could it be a possibilty or an impossibility?


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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2312 on: August 04, 2009, 19:38 »
We're back.  Four days away from the internet is good for the soul, but we did wonder how our feathered friends are doing.  It's been good reading the updates (Becky, so glad to see you posting!).  We drove around the University but couldn't see anyone -- feathered or two-footed, and were wondering were watcheres are hanging out these days, since the feathered folks are all flying so well.  We're scheduled to go on Thursday evening, so Bev ... if you see this, please tell us where to go. (Nicely) ;)