Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 341451 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2371 on: August 21, 2009, 17:50 »
Aww..poor little guy  :'(   Thank you for letting us know Lorac.


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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2370 on: August 21, 2009, 17:10 »
Oh dear.   :'(

Current News - August 18th, 2009- White-banded male's body found.  Thanks to many hospital staff members, the white-banded male juvenile peregrine that went missing during the fledge watch on July 23rd was identified.  A biologist involved with the project, Gord Court, went to the Clinical Science building today to retrieve the carcass.  The male was believed to be approximately 35 days old when it died.  The bird was found just behind the sound baffle on the roof just a few metres from the nest box.

While visiting, Gord also found a dead juvenile female Northern Goshawk at the base of the Clinical Science building.  Gord predicts that the bird was killed by the adult peregrines when it entered their nesting territory as Northern Goshawks (as well as Great Horned Owls) are perceived deadly threats to the young.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2369 on: August 14, 2009, 11:17 »
 We have lots of pictures but have not had time to download them. hopefully this weekend or Peter can do it while I am away.
all 3 kids were there last night. Barb and Dave and Becky and Peter and I met up there.
  The kids  are becoming more independent but still like to try and knock each other off a perch or 2. Hard to ID the bands as they will not show us their legs, but when we see all 3 together it does not matter.

We only saw one tucked in before dark and one on the crane, but not to worry. They were probably enjoying the night air before the rain hit.
We saw 2 eating which probably means the third one ate also. Becky and Dave saw dad and we all saw mom on the steeple at the Dentisty building. she is so beautiful.

I am sure Becky will write a report.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 11:19 by bev. »

Offline moka

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2368 on: August 13, 2009, 10:07 »
My appreciation is heartfelt as I thank Bev et al, for your great work in keeping us posted with comments and pictures.  :D

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2367 on: August 12, 2009, 12:06 »
Peter and I will be going down a bit earlier  than usualwhen we go as the kids seem to be fed before we get there.

but we did see all 3 kids and one adult. Froona was on back of the hospital and then flew to the Ed building and then to Med sciences.
After a bit she flew over Campus tower and then to the southeast corner of the clinical science building.
One of the boys was on the second crane and we did nto see the other till later when he was briefly on the Med science building.
After a bit both boys were on the cranes. Before we left Froona and one of the boys tucked in on a ledge on the Campus tower and another boy tucked in above them.

I have to get my fill now as I will be going away on Tuesday.(My dad has to have an operation)
Peter promises me he will keep track of them for me.


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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2366 on: August 11, 2009, 07:59 »
I swear that they hide somewhere, watching, until people leave the Education parkade.  Sounds like you and Dave had fun, Becky.  We haven't been there since Sunday evening and won't be there until tomorrow evening.  (Going to meal assembly tonight since it's become obvious that no one will be dropping off food to us!).  Hope to see you and Dave there sometime ... eyes to the skies.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2365 on: August 10, 2009, 22:39 »
Great that you saw all the kids tonight Becky and Dave.
they are such a 3-some. It fills my heart every time I see them.
Peter and I  will be down there tomorrow night.
that Mr. Yellow. and I thought he was the gentleman ;D ;D

Becky M

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2364 on: August 10, 2009, 22:20 »
Dave and I went to the campus for about 2.5 hours tonight, leaving at 9 (which Im sure was too early and lots happened after we left, but alas). When we arrived, we could not find anyone around education or on the cranes. So we left the education parkade, at which time one bird promptly flew on top of education ;)
We looked around the corner by the hospital parkade, but could not find anyone on college plaza or Newton Place, so headed back to Education area. Once there, we saw 2 kids hanging out up there, one on the corner, one on an aerial. Another trip up the parkade, and still only the 2 in sight, until a couple minutes later in flies a third falcon, which promptly knocks off our aerial friend, but instead of roosting up there, flew over to knock the corner friend off as well, landing there! At this point, the original aerial friend knocked off the newcomer, while the corner friend flew over to Medical Sciences. Newcomer ended up in the vent, where we quite clearly saw that it was Mr. Yellow! So, it is not only Red who is an instigator :D Med-Sci bird came back, and with all 3 visible, was obvious that was Froona. Lots of squaking from her and yellow during this time, Red was actually fairly quiet. About 3 mins later, Yellow took off from the vent, and then he flew over to Medical Sciences. Red and Froona were sitting nicely for about 20 minutes when we left. Only saw one adult transiently, given the whiteness, I think it was dad, but did not see a food drop and he did not stir up a commotion when he rested on the shorter Ed. building. Im sure we have all said it a thousand times, but wow - they are such beautiful birds...with attitude! I love it :)

Offline Alison

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2363 on: August 10, 2009, 21:45 »
Thank you for the updates and the photos, Bev! It's so good to know that you have been seeing all three juvies and both parents. Froona is a beauty, as they all are.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2362 on: August 10, 2009, 15:51 »
Thanks for the update and the pictures!  The kids look fantastic  :-* :-* :-*

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2361 on: August 10, 2009, 15:42 »
That Froona is one lovely bird.  She reminds me of Luck (my golden girl) in the sun.

Thanks for those bev. and the update.

Offline bccs

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2360 on: August 10, 2009, 15:36 »
Thanks Bev, great update. It's funny as all get out when the kids get cheeky and start to push around the parents. Vesper is just like that, she makes me laugh. Poor Trey!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2359 on: August 10, 2009, 15:32 »
We had a very quiet night at the  site last night. We had one kid in sight on the Med science building and Froona on theEd building.
We went up to the Ed parkade and saw one falcon in the distance and then it flew off and then there were 2 flying around and possibly chashing pigeons.
So we now have 4 in sight.
Then Mr. Red flies over to the Ed building from the  south. (possibly  from the Med science building)
Both he and Froona look out the north west so I think they see what  we see way out.

Mom flies in on an aerial of the Ed building and Mr. Red flies around and knocks her off.  He is cheeky LOL .We did get the bands .
Then mom  flies off and  Mr. red and possibly another(from who knows where) flies off to the south.  Froona stays put for a bit and then she flies off
Peter and I decide to walk a bit and run into Carol and Bob. They had spotted 2 as they were coming to the Ed building. Probably the ones we saw.

After having a cold drink Lisa joined us and we  crossed the street and walked back to the corner. 
{Peter decided to walk around to the  front of the hospital where the cranes are. )
Bob and Carol leftto go home. (sorry Bob and  CArol but we then did spot all 5.)
 Lisa and I met up with Peter and the 3 kids and one adult (mom ) were on the cranes.
We could ID FRoona and mom.

WE walked down by the clinical science building and Mr . Red flew to the ledge of the Campus tower facing west(Peter got his band number). then in  came Mr. Yellow(We know  because Froona and mom are still on cranes). Dad lands on top corner of Campus Tower and then turns in for the night.
Peter and Lisa and I check out whee Dad sleeps and there he is.
so when we left, the boys wereon the ledge and Froona and mom are still on the cranes at 10:00pm, dn Dad is asleep on his ledge.
It was a nice evening , all in all
I think Mr. Yellow is honing his hunting skills with one of the adulst and FRoona and Mr. Red, who are close together in skills, are waiting their turn. Just my thought.

some pictures are not great but just want to show you where everyone  is. Froona and Mr. Red are very dark and Mr. Yellow is a bit lighter.

click on pic ture

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2358 on: August 08, 2009, 17:11 »
Awesome that you got to witness that.  I am hoping to see some of that too.

Thanks for the report bev.

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2357 on: August 08, 2009, 14:06 »
Geez you guys, you'll all be ready for a marathon this fall with all the running you do. Keep up the great work and thanks again for the updates!