Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 341353 times)

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Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2401 on: September 01, 2009, 14:22 »
Yes, Tracy, thanks for all the information, and I am sure you are right; in hindsight, driving down the freeway at 80 and looking up at a bird is not the best way to tell if it is really a peregrine falcon.  I think it could have been a merlin, or judging from the way it was coasting on the breeze, it could also have been a hawk.  I am not at the stage yet where I can readily recognize the difference.  I think I am just happy that we have raptors around this area, considering how much land has been given up to development in the last few years.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2400 on: September 01, 2009, 13:18 »
Peregrines will hunt ground critters in places like the arctic where they can be more numerous than birds in some places.  Among the anatum (our subspecies) there are rare reports of mammal prey remains being found (mostly bats).  Note, that if you find remains, then they really haven't eaten it - killed it yes, eaten it no.  As for a peregrine hunting mice, if it was, it wasn't really looking for food, entertainment or practice maybe - mice just aren't worth the effort, its like eating tic-tacs ... imagine how many tic-tacs an olympic triathlete would need to consume at the olympic games and you get the idea of how worthwhile hunting mice is for a peregrine. 

Now kestrels, they are wicked mouse hunters, so too are some of the hawks.  Last spring when we had standing water on most agricultural fields, the hawks - Red-tails, Swainsons, Sharp-shinned & Broad-winged - were stacked up on the telephone poles and on higher dry spots waiting for the mice to be driven out of the field by the rising water - it was worth the effort even of the bigger hawks because of the sheer numbers of mice available.  But they hunt ground mammals as part of their regular diet, so just a case of taking advantage of an opportunity.  Peregrines are bird-hunters and are designed for it, so hunting close to the ground is not always as safe for them as for the mammal-hunting raptors, different hunting mechanics.

So could have been a bored peregrine, but seems unlikely as they are trying to put on weight and are starting to get into migration-mode.  Could have been a kestrel or even a merlin (they are better closer to the ground than peregrines) hunting - same flight profile are often misidentified when spotted from moving vehicles (I've given myself whiplash more than a few times over the years and still can't confirm the ID on the move!!!).  Or it could have been a sharp-shinned, they are about peregrine size or even a coopers which is bigger than a sharpie.

But then, I wasn't there and didn't see what Eli saw ... could it have been hunting smaller birds Eli?  I know fall migration has begun among the passerines here .... blackbirds?  flickers? something like that maybe?

Offline Pchemist

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2399 on: September 01, 2009, 12:32 »
I was under the impression it was pretty rare for a peregrine to hunt ground animals?

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2398 on: September 01, 2009, 09:54 »
Wow, Mr. Yellow travelled to Cooking Lake!  This would be a good place to hunt, as it does not have a lot of development and is still pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.  The chicks seem to be moving about more than I expected.  I did see a peregrine falcon yesterday hunting for mice, I believe, just over the Whitemud Freeway in east Edmonton, near the dog off-leash area, of all places.  I would have loved to have found out whether or not this was one of our chicks, but there is no way to really take a good look or stop when you are on the freeway.
Thanks for the updates, Peter, and my best wishes to Bev and you during this trying time of family illness.

Offline carly

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U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2397 on: September 01, 2009, 07:59 »
Thanks for the update Peter, happy to hear the family is doing well and that you got to see our Froona  :-*

Offline BirdLover

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U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2396 on: September 01, 2009, 04:20 »
Thanks so much for this update Peter.  Always nice to get tidbits of where our kids are.  And very much appreciated.

I haven't seen any of our kids since last week.  I am having Falcon Withdrawals! 

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2395 on: August 31, 2009, 22:52 »
Peter (Mr. Bev)  here.  Went down to the University tonight.  Saw mom eating on top of the Education building.  Did some further walking and found dad sitting on top a crane to the north of the Education building where some new construction is going on.  I was on top of the parkade at that point.  I walked down to the street and low and behold there were two falcons on the Education building.  One was mom the other, I think, was Froona because of her size and coloring.  Could not confirm this as I could not see the color band as her legs were hidden behind her perch.  In any event I saw three of them. 

The biologist emailed me today and reported a confirmed sighting of Mr. Yellow at a place called Cooking Lake which is about 30-40 kms southeast of Edmonton.  Not only did the bird watcher get part of his band but confirmed the bright yellow tape on the other leg.  The young ones are moving around a bit as the biologists said they might.  Good to see that he was spotted though.   So far all seems to be well with the fledglings and the parents.  Will keep you posted as much I can.

Pete  :) :)

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2394 on: August 30, 2009, 18:43 »
Thanks Peter, please send along my best wishes to Bev and her Father.

Offline bccs

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2393 on: August 30, 2009, 07:21 »
Good wishes for Bev, her Dad and you Peter.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2392 on: August 30, 2009, 06:46 »
Thanks for keeping us in the loop about the family Peter, we miss them and we miss Bev too! 

Tell her that she and her dad are in our thoughts.  :-*

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2391 on: August 29, 2009, 21:31 »
Let Bev know that her "falcon family" is thinking of you all in this stressful time. Thanks for keeping us updated on the PF's and on Bev.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2390 on: August 29, 2009, 20:04 »
Mr. Bev here again.  Went down to the site today.  Very, Very hot.  Only saw mom hiding in the shade on the back side of the Education building.  Its getting close to that time of year when the young ones are thinking of migrating.  So, I hope to go down a little more often and see them if I can.  If I see them I will post and let you know. 

While I was down at the site, Bev called me and advised that they had to send her father by ambulance to Victoria for another operation.  So it sounds like she may not be back for a while.  If she can get on to a computer where she is on the Island, she may be in touch with you.  If not, I guess I will have to do and I will try and keep you updated on the birds here.  Still no word on what caused Mr. White's demise.  As soon as I find out something I will let you know.

Offline msdolittle

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2389 on: August 26, 2009, 09:50 »
Mr Red sure seems like a character!

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2388 on: August 26, 2009, 00:00 »
All the best to Bev and thank you for the update Mr. Bev (Peter). :)

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - August 2009
« Reply #2387 on: August 25, 2009, 18:14 »
Thank you for the update Peter and so relieved the family is doing well and that you all got to spend some time with them. 

Give our best to Bev and best wishes for dad's speedy recovery!  :-*