Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 340984 times)

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Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2431 on: October 05, 2009, 22:09 »
Report from last night Oct4,2009

We went down at 4:50pm and Radisson was looking great and was sitting on southeast corner of clinical science. I was so glad to see her there as I have not been able to catch her at the nest box. This was just as good.
It was very cold and windy. A silly pigeon flew on the roof above her. When it flew off north east ,Radisson was right behind it. We watched Radisson stoop it by the diabetes building(across from  Campus tower). What a sight. She just missed it but I am sure she scared the p--p right out of it.

Radisson  then flew towards us and angled in and went in for the night. This was at 5:10pm. An early night for her. She looked great in the air . I only got one shot. I have to take lessons this winter for my camera. Peter is better at it.

The last 2 nights she has been  sleeping on the opposite side of Windsor apartments. She did this last year also.

I know some of you notice my love for Miss Edmonton, but I have to say, Radisson has my heart also. We all have our "special ones." RAdisson is different form Miss Edmonton in that she has a more tough love approach early on. MIss Edmonton and MIss Balzac did not leave the kids alone  as soon and did not expect self feeding as early.
Radisson is a great mom but leaves the kids alone in box quite early on.  (She is outside the box watching though). She expects them to attempt self feed very early on and I think that is why the nest box is so messy. But once they are ready to fledge she is there every step of the way. Beak feeding and making sure they get where they are going.  That is why her kids are so successful. She and Damon are a great team.

RAdisson turned for the night

RAdisson flying towards us

RAdisson on corner of Clinical science

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2430 on: October 04, 2009, 07:24 »
Yay thanks Bev!  I will keep it up toda hoping to see Radisson one last time unless they left last night  :'( :'(

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2429 on: October 03, 2009, 21:39 »
The cam is back up.  :) :) Yeah. I sent a message and it appears a new group is operating it. I am confused but waiting for news from them.
I can never catch Radisson at her nest box but with cam up , we  just might. she turned in real early tonight. a threat of snow tonight or tomorrow. I will start posting here tomorrow . I wanted to get Weber done first as there are not as many pictures and Peter and I would like to give you some good shots here.

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2428 on: October 03, 2009, 07:35 »
Oh, it's so good to have you back Bev.   :-*  I am very glad that your family is on the mend and look forward to seeing the pics that you will share for us.
You may still get a glimpse of your family of peregrines.  Ours are still around!

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2427 on: October 03, 2009, 07:31 »
Oh no, just saw the weather for Alberta - wet snow in some areas already  :o

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2426 on: October 03, 2009, 06:51 »
Welcome home Bev and Mr Bev!  What a summer you two have had, taking care of someone, whether human or winged! 

The cams haven't been on for awhile now, I did check a few times to see if we would get a chance to see Radisson, Damon and Miss Edmonton before they leave on their journey.  Hopefully you will get one last chance to say goodbye to them before they leave and if you do wish them both a safe journey for me  :-*

Happy to hear your dad is on the mend, that must have been quite an intense few months for your family.  I hope they both continue with a successful recovery!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2425 on: October 03, 2009, 01:00 »
Last year Radisson and Miss Edmonton left on October 9.

It is good to be back and I will  post a few recent pictures to share tomorrow. then Peter will help me do a slide show (I did not get it done last year :( ) but we will do one  with the best pictures we have after Froona fledged. I did not get to post what I wanted because my private life took an unexpected turn.

Off topic:
My dad, after taking a bad turn after operation number one, is now on the mend after emergency operation number 2. What a long 7 weeks. My sister -in -law is also on the mend after her mastectomy(operation was one day after my dads first operation.
thank you all  for your kind thoughts and words. I learned a lot about how  one has to fight to get action in the health system :o :o
Tracy , we will be contacting you after we get organized here at home.(with regards to seeing the pictures in Manitoba gallery.
sorry Peter did not answer your reply, Tracy.
too many things on the go I guess.

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2424 on: October 02, 2009, 22:48 »
We have certainly missed you Bev.....Mr. Bev was wonderful in your absence.   :)

Hope all is well with you and your family!

It's wonderful to have you back!

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2423 on: October 02, 2009, 22:21 »
Bev, it is great to have you back! 
So you have Radisson and Miss Edmonton still around.
Is this much later than usual for either of them?

Offline bev.

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U of Alberta - Oct to Dec 2009
« Reply #2422 on: October 02, 2009, 22:08 »
I am doing just a quick post to let you know that Radisson is still here.
I am back after 7 weeks away and I feel like I have been cheated this season.
Never the less, I am glad that Radisson and Miss Edmonton are still here.
We lost our camera-to -computer connector somewhere between Vancouver Island and here so I will write up some reports tomorrow and hopefully some pictures.

Damon and Radisson were still together when Peter left on September 14 and he saw Froona and mom just 2 days before that so I guess we can say that our season was successful.

I am always sad at this time of year and drink in as much as I can of these Marvelous   raptors, as we never know if we will see them the following year.

Stay tuned for tomorrow. ;D ;D

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2421 on: September 09, 2009, 02:48 »
Hey Mr Bev/Peter, if you would like me to post the photos here for you, you can just send them to me via email and I will be happy to set them up for you.  And when your dear wife is home we will get the problem she is having viewing some of our galleries sorted so ya both can enjoy all the photos from this year.  I hope to add some of Radisson and her kids and since they are mostly from Bev, it would be nice if y'all could see them!!

(for find my email address, just click on the little envelope below my name on the left or click on my name and the address will pop up.  I'm not posting it here because the darn little web spiders like to troll for email addresses and I get enough spam already!!)

My best to Bev when you are talking to her next!  And you keep up the great work here! :)

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2420 on: September 08, 2009, 05:53 »
Yes, thanks to bev and peter for their posts.  Know you are both busy so any news we get from you is very welcome.  And Peter, thanks for taking the time to check things out and post on our family in Edm.  ((((bev))))  Take good care of yourself also.   :-*  We don't want you to be burned out!

Peter, I'm thinking that bev is soooo tired that the keys are probably swimming before her eyes and the words look perfectly fine to her  ;D  Right bev??

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2419 on: September 07, 2009, 23:55 »
How nice to hear from both Peter and Bev tonight!
Thanks Peter for taking the time to track down and report on five falcons this evening.
And Bev, thanks for taking the time to post.  Take good care.  

Offline Ellie

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2418 on: September 07, 2009, 23:32 »
All of the best wishes for a speedy recovery for your father Bev and keep yourself well also.  So good to hear from You and Your husband as to the falcons in Edm. I am on my way to Edmonton on Thursday but will not have the time to go and see where the falcon family is.  Am familiar with the U of A so that wouldn't be a problem.  So glad to here that all of your "kids" and parents are still hanging around and hope that they all have a successful migration and we'll hear that they are parenting in a place of their own. ;D ;D

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - September 2009
« Reply #2417 on: September 07, 2009, 22:55 »
Hi Everyone: Mr. Bev (Peter) here. Went down to the site at U OF A tonight. Saw Dad fly up and land on his perch on the aerial on the Windsor Park Building. Was walking towards the Education building when I saw a falcon sitting on the corner of the building. Took a picture and then the falcon flew over my head and just above me on the building behind me I saw Mom. The falcon who flew over, I'm sure was Froona, by the size and the way she looked. She landed where Mom was but Mom took off and flew down to the College Plaza building. Froona then took off and landed on the back of the Suite Hotel. In any event I saw the three of them. The boys were no where to be seen and are likely gallivanting around the country side. Dad and Mom turned in at their usual spot and Froona flew off somewhere, I could not see where.

I then drove down to the Weber building and it was getting pretty dark. I managed to see a falcon on the "R" on the Weber sign and another one on the NE corner of the Weber building 2 floors down. Both seem to be still there. Hopefully this turns into something next year. Looks promising anyway.

Good to see my wife back on the computer. Am going to have to teach her how to type and spell though.