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Which province is it in Ontario or Manitoba?

Okay...I may not have the exact location of the center of the universe BUT.....I do have the exact center of Canada... ;D ;D

Guess I will weigh in my two cents, the center of canada is the border of Manitoba and Ontario lol Ontario on out to the Maritimes is East. Anything west of The Manitoba border is Out West.

you have nooooo idea how much I'm enjoying this ;D ;D

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Loriann on June 11, 2009, 15:11 ---anything East of Yonge street is OUT EAST.  anything WEST of Yonge street is OUT WEST !..  I don't make the rules.. lol 
--- End quote ---

Same rules that put Upper Canada south of Lower Canada ?  ::)


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