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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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Keep going guys, this is getting good ;D

anything East of Yonge street is OUT EAST.  anything WEST of Yonge street is OUT WEST !..  I don't make the rules.. lol

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Loriann on June 11, 2009, 12:52 ---BECAUSE TORONTO IS THE CENTRE OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE !   ;D
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--- Quote from: Loriann on June 11, 2009, 14:38 ---nah.. i'm in Mississauga which is west of the city... we're actually the centre of the known universe, we just don't like to brag about it like T.O. does.. lol.. 
--- End quote ---

Deluded easterners  ::)  must be that smog corroding their geographic abilities to see that Winnipeg is the centre of All .... Manitoba does mean "where the [great] spirit lives" and where else but in the centre (via the navel of course) would the spirit live ?

smooth Loriann ::)

nah.. i'm in Mississauga which is west of the city... we're actually the centre of the known universe, we just don't like to brag about it like T.O. does.. lol..


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