Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Well said, allikat. 

Are you moving? 

Sorry everyone....I usually post here to let ya'll know that I see this pair twice a day every day! 
Sorry about TPC noted, these two hang out at their usual spots.  I look for them every morning and afternoon and seem to luck out and find one of them and sometimes both of them...
I'm happy that they are both hangin' out together...which probably means that they are officially a couple.  Let's all hope that next year Ivy and Jules will be back and raise some beautiful falcons.  Other spotters will have to keep an eye or two out for them as I won't be able to. 

Thanks TPC
I'll keep a lookout next time I'm in the area.

The Peregrine Chick:
Little terrors were still around on the weekend, hanging out in all their usual places.  No renesting though, and pretty sure we are beyond both their hormonal window and our hopeful window  :D

Next year is another chance ....

Any updates on what the WW pair are up to? Haven't spotted them the last couple of times I have been in the area.


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