Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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I spotted Jules today on my way downtown. She was perched on the shady side of a building.

That much I can definitely see!

YOu get to go for the coffee and donuts ...   :P

Woo hoo! A sighting (maybe)! Somebody (Ivy? Jules?) atop a building while I was driving east on Portage. Given that I was driving and my distance vision is not the greatest, I can't be sure but it certainly looked like it should be a peregrine. That's the trouble with bad eyes. Which leads to a question for another thread - can someone who is very short-sighted help with fledge watch?

Thanks Liz!!
And yes..I'm moving!  I'm moving to Regina...a job offer that I just had to take!
I will certainly miss Winnipeg with all of my heart..and I will miss seeing Jules, Ivy, Trey & Princess twice a day!  Thankfully, I have webcams and the forum to keep my updated! 


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