Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Saw one of them soaring above the empty army base as I was traveling on Route 90.

For some reason, all of the small birdies were hiding :D

You bet Bev... :)

Saw Jules again this morning on her favorite perch...I'm assuming it's her fav because she's been there a lot. 

You will have to leave your address here when you move . We pass through there when going to Winnipeg
We were stationed in Regina fro 2 years and I did not mind it at all. I was not not peregrines then. Hope there is one there for you to watch
sorry TPC

It was Jules...I saw her do a fly around with the wind and come across super fast and go up to her perch.  She's amazing to watch!

The Peregrine Chick:
Looked like Jules hanging out on the B&B this evening ... not surprising given the windspeed and direction, her corner is nice and sheltered ...


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