Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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 Wow, how great is this!  Why is it that the Winnipeg birds return earlier than the Edmonton birds?  And....if I remember correctly you don't share with us where the west-Winnipeg birds are??  Do they have a nest?  Have they ever used it?  Should I do my own reasearch perhaps??   ;)

The Peregrine Chick:
At the end of last week as I was going home, what should I spot? (yes, its rhetorical) There on one of the West Winnipeg pair's favourite perches were two large dark birds.  Unfortunately I didn't get a really good look at them, but usually doesn't take much for me. But erring on the side of caution (you know me, Ms Spontaneous Project Coordinator), I mentionned it to Dennis and the two of us have been keeping our eyes on all their favourite buildings ever since. 

So while I have been inside working today, Dennis happened to going past one of the buildings during the course of his work and he looked up (can't think why  ::)) and lo and behold, there were two peregrines on the corner of another of their favourite buildings.  Hopefully these are them back for the summer rather than migration tourists.  This building is very (very) popular with migrating birds, great location, great hunting, great nap perches and far enough away from the Radisson birds that there isn't any territorial misunderstandings. 

Dennis & I will be keeping an eye on these birds and the buildings to see what transpires.  We will of course  ;) keep you all informed!


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