Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Great, thank you.  I have to admit that I was really confused and was going to go back through the posts to see how they went from 3 to 1 egg.  It would be wonderful if both hatched. And glad that you put up that privacy screen.  I really wonder why they have chosen a location with such an incredible number of potential distractions.  You must have been ready to tear your hair out over this one.  :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Sorry folks, obviously I was a little confusing - Jules & Ivy had three eggs, now down to two.  The two eggs I transferred to the nest-tray looked fine so we will keep our fingers crossed for them.

Estimated hatch watch start date: June 1  - we think they began hard incubation on the 4th, but the weather has been cold and she's twitchy and at the beginning of incubation jumped off the eggs at the drop of a hat (no, no one is dropping hats on her  ;)) just very excitable.  She has calmed down now and is sticking better.  Question will be if she has spent too much time off the eggs and/or if the cold will slow the hatch down.  We will let you know what we see ...

Great news on the tray Tracy. to bad about the egg but one is better than none and let us cross our fingers that it hatches .
It is great that you can check things out also. :) :)

Yup, it worked last year for Radisson! 

one egg sounds like a good way for a new pair to learn stuff, so best of luck!   :D


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