Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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A few more West-End Winnipeg photos have been added.


The Peregrine Chick:
Larry (Eye-Spy) is checking out the video and we know who screwed up the angle on our camera - Jules.  With a whole ledge to land on, she sat on the camera, even though we put it too low (we thought) for any peregrine to sit on it, before getting up on the "exit" ledge.  Means we won't know exactly what happened to the eggs as the cam was perfectly aimed at the nestbox for the last little bit.  But we are close enough that we should be able to rule some things in or out.

Keep you all in the loop ...

And Jules and Ivy are fine, they have still been spotted in all their pre-incubating favourite spots ...

Mother Hen:
So very sorry to hear the bad,sad news on the eggs. Those darn crows destroy eggs all the time even sparrows eggs. There is always a fight outside my house sparros verses sparrow for the sparrow eggs.Too sad,Mother nature! Tough girl to handle

I am SO sad to hear this.  :'( :'(   I hope they give it another shot -- there's still time.  And if not, next year. :D


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