And that fly was really 'bugging' her
( groan ).. she was swivling her head around and looked like she was really getting ticked off at it..
Every time I see someone go by on the sidewalk below I'm reminded of just how low to the ground these guys are this year and I worry about them fledging from this ( not) height.. Last year we lost one of our babies here in Mississauga because she could not get up high enough and smashed into the ground.
Tracy.. do you recruit 'falcon catchers' when they are fledging from this ledge? I know that the 'watchers' in Hamilton are recruited when the babies are expected to take flight as they are also right downtown. Volunteers are signed up to wait at strategic points and watch for falling lumps of feathers from above. I seem to remember the Radisson people scooping someone off the street last year.. ( thank goodness they were there and willing to help out).
And a bit off topic for here, but I see that we have more and more 'new' people joining us.. welcome one and all, but this also peaks my curiosity.. one small request.. if everyone could just post where they are watching from the next time they post.
I am interested to see just how far and wide we all hail from.
As noted, I am in Mississauga, Ontario.. near Toronto.