Author Topic: Radisson - 2008 / Trey & Princess  (Read 551025 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1111 on: June 06, 2008, 12:44 »
Hi Gang,

Will be back to post and answer questions later, unfortunately, still have some more work to do today with the birds.

Thank you all for you concern and condolences.  Everyone who helped out with the rescue deserves more thanks than I can possibly give.

The Peregrine Chick

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1110 on: June 06, 2008, 12:41 »
I see Tracy is online. My heart goes out to you Tracy

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1109 on: June 06, 2008, 12:39 »
To Tracy and the team, a big heartfelt thank-you for all you do and have done and the rescue efforts.  It's people like you that give species like the Falcons hope for the future. 

Offline ballywing

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1108 on: June 06, 2008, 12:31 »
I'm home now, just couldn't handle the stress and upset from work anymore.  :'( Was praying all the way home on the bus that some miracle would happen - but it seems not. So very sad. Thank you Tracy for your enormous efforts to share this whole wonderful (and tragic, but we have to accept that's nature) experience with us. I think it'll take a while for all of us to recover, we all feel for you and your wonderful team also. Hugs......

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1107 on: June 06, 2008, 12:31 »
oh for sure I am sitting here in a puddle of tears.

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1106 on: June 06, 2008, 12:23 »
I don't know about the rest of you...but this has really worn me out...both physically and emotioinally...

It will take a while to upload the video....I had to do some editing or it would have been way too long... I'll send the link to Tracy and she can determine what to do with it....of course, they may have been recording as well...


Offline jadoo

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1105 on: June 06, 2008, 12:21 »
...well, it is all very sad...i remember the shock and sadness of watching that one chick flop out of the nest box last year, but, veryveryangry, sometimes there really isn't anyone to blame, not tracy, her team, or even the peregrines;  it would have been nice, water-wise, if the birds had selected one of the other nest sites, but then we might have lost the chicks to the wind earlier this week, and last week - remember how they were being tossed around?  Sadly, very often these things Just Happen.  It really is too bad, but does anybody know if it is too late in the season for the peregrines to try again?


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1104 on: June 06, 2008, 11:56 »
I would like to second that ( what stormy just said  )


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1103 on: June 06, 2008, 11:55 »
Oh my, this is so sad
 :-[ :-[
I am so grateful Tracy and the firefighters for your brave attempts to try and rescue the chicks.  they were just too small ,I guess and had no body heat of their own yet.

I will check back in. 
thank-you everyone for being in here today to keep us all company.
i am at a loss for words right now and that never happens.
 :'( :'(

I also wish to express my sincere thanks to all involved in this attempt.

Perhaps this spot on the building should be bird proof. 
Installing a screen to prevent future use of that particular ledge for nesting spot.

Isn't there a bird nesting box installed somewhere on that building to encourage the birds to nest
in a safe dry and shaded place?

Bye ... until next time.
I can only hope that they have another clutch.  It has been seen before. 
(Norfolk Botanical Garden,  Bald Eagle pair had 2 eggs, lost them, laid 2 more eggs and lost again. 
Another egg was later laid and hatched.)

Offline Stormy

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1102 on: June 06, 2008, 11:54 »
My sincerest condolences to Tracy, CBC and the Radisson Hotel for your loss.  Judging by how I and everyone is feeling right now, you must be feeling doubly so.

I'm so sorry and so sad.


Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1101 on: June 06, 2008, 11:52 »
Just like Bev I have been at a loss for words, and that rarely happens for me too as I am sure many of you have noticed from the forum this week.  It's because we all have invested our time and hearts with these beautiful birds that we all feel such a devasting loss.  I have not felt like this in a long long time. Some people would call me crazy for crying over the loss of these chicks, but when you have watched their entrance into this world you do become invested.  Sadly the chicks were still so young and vulnerable to the elements. Princess' valient effort attests to their determination to see through the process of raising the next generations of this species.

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1100 on: June 06, 2008, 11:49 »
I just don't know what to say either...such a sad and tragic day.  Cams give us a window into the beautiful and wonderful lives of nature...and in this case, these magnificient falcons.  And while we frequently rejoice in the joys and pleasures these cams bring us, we also are privy to the hardships and tragedies equally endured.  We are both blessed and cursed to be a visitor into this world.  And while I am heartsick at this moment, I am thankful that we have the honor and privilege to be a part of their lives...albeit from afar.  Princess and Trey will recover much quicker than we will...but I am sure they will both grieve over the loss of their chicks...

Rest in peace, little brought us joy in your short lives.... :'(


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1099 on: June 06, 2008, 11:47 »

Winnipeg falcon chicks die, despite fire department rescue attempt

Last Updated: Friday, June 6, 2008 | 11:33 AM CT
CBC News
A firefighter prepares to pick up the three white peregrine falcon chicks as an adult falcon looks on. (CBC)Three peregrine falcons chicks hatched on a downtown Winnipeg hotel late last month have died, despite a dramatic rescue attempt by Winnipeg's fire department Friday morning.

Dozens of people from around the world who had been watching the progress of the three chicks via a webcam — dubbed the Falcon Cam — called CBC Manitoba and the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project on Friday to report the birds appeared to be having trouble coping with water accumulating from the heavy rain.

The Falcon Cam showed one sodden adult bird — likely the female, dubbed Princess — trying to shelter the nine-day-old chicks on the Radisson Hotel's 13th-storey ledge, which appeared to contain several centimetres of water.

Environment Canada issued a rainfall warning for the Red River Valley, including Winnipeg, on Friday morning. More than 35 millimetres had fallen on downtown Winnipeg by 10 a.m.; as much as 70 millimetres were expected.

A firefighter rappelled down from the Radisson Hotel's roof around 11 a.m. Friday, startling the adult bird off the chicks. She sat on a nearby ledge and watched, squawking angrily, as the firefighter tucked the three tiny, white chicks into a knapsack.

The firefighter then brought the chicks to the ground; the plan had been to move them to a nestbox on the 30th floor of the building, where the adult pair raised chicks last year, in the hopes the parents would follow.

Pair produce peregrine brood
An adult falcon shelters its chicks on the top corner of the 13th-floor ledge at the Radisson Hotel. (CBC)Since 1989, various pairs of the peregrine falcons have been nesting on the downtown hotel.

The nesting pair this year are Trey, hatched on the Radisson in 1996, and Princess, hatched in Minneapolis in 2002. They have produced 13 young — three of which are known to have survived — in addition to the three that were in the nest.

This year, Princess and Trey produced four eggs, but one was removed by the parents early in incubation, after it was either damaged by a snowstorm or infertile. The other three eggs hatched May 28; the chicks had not yet been named.

Peregrine falcons were close to extinction in the U.S. by the 1960s, and in Canada east of the Rockies in the 1970s. The pair that nested at the hotel in 1989 was the first confirmed peregrine nesting in Manitoba since the mid-1900s.

In Canada and the United States, it is illegal to kill peregrines or disrupt their nests.


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1098 on: June 06, 2008, 11:47 »
This was just posted by WFP:

Kyle Schmidt, 25, clad in red and wearing a protective helmet, was lowered to the ledge, and, once the mother falcon hopped out of the way, place the chicks one by one in a bag.

He was then lowered to street level.

"The mama bird was sitting there on the ledge, but when she realized I was there to help she moved over and spoke a few words to me," said Schmidt afterwards.

Schmidt said he spoke softly to the chicks as they made their way down.

"I told them not to worry ...they were keeping quiet on the way down," he said.

There is nothing about them being gone.....lets keep the hope alive!!

Jim Wilhelm

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1097 on: June 06, 2008, 11:46 »
I almost wish I hadn't registered the other day. I wouldn't be feeling this pain right now.

Jim Wilhelm
Albuquerque, NM USA