Author Topic: Radisson - 2008 / Trey & Princess  (Read 551240 times)

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Offline Liz

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1141 on: June 06, 2008, 19:26 »
Okay, I've finally finished, after 1.5 hours, reading thru everything posted today.  And I know I'm repeating others, but here goes...

First of all, the rain was coming down in torrents this morning at 8 am went I went to work.  The streets were already filling up because it was coming down so hard and so fast that the storm drains couldn't keep up.  So to those who complain about the drain on the ledge not doing its job and it should be working better ----phht!  By 1 pm, we had had 43.6 mm of rain downtown.  That is not anything Tracy and the gang could had predicted, for Pete's sake! 

I was in a meeting from 10 til almost noon.  If I'd been at my desk, I would have seen what was happening at the hotel.  And I have every second Friday off, but this wasn't it.  If I'd been home when Tracy sent the message to us that they were attempting a rescue, I would have thrown on my clothes and gone to watch from the street.  As it was, I found out when I got back to my desk and listened to the noon news.  What a shock!!!  But I'm glad I found out that way instead of not knowing until I got home at 5:30.  I tried to join in from the library (one block from the hotel), but as soon as the page loaded the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate.  I am SO glad, in retrospect, that I wasn't watching the feed or following the chat.  And I want all of you who were, and who posted despite the stress, to know that my heart goes out to you.  It must have been just horrendous to be sitting there helpless and feeling sick.  (Big hugs all around)

As for making the ledge unavailable, Tracy was interviewed on CBC in the afternoon.  I too thought it was a wonderful idea.  But she said it's not just where they nest sometimes -- they use it for hunting, mating, resting....  If they make it unreachable they don't just make it nest-less, they change the entire environment for P&T.  So, not really a good option.  

Last (until I think some more, of course), I want to thank Tracy, Larry, the Radisson staff, the CBC staff, and Kyle Schmidt from Winnipeg Fire Rescue who did the rapelling and tried to save our babies.  We, who are here all the time in the chat, know you did your best and that we can't control Mother Nature much as we'd like to, and none of us are angry with you.  And to heck with those who are.  Or, as it was said, feel sorry for their empty little lives (my spin on the nice though that was actually written).  

At least we all have each other to share the grief with.  Thank goodness, cuz a few of the people at work thought I was nuts when I started crying at the news!  (phht to them too.)  Those of us that live here still have P&T to watch fly around for the summer.  And with any luck, they'll try again.  In that beautiful nestbox that was so lovingly and caringly provided for them.  

Love to all my fellow Phanatics.  Hope you can sleep tonight.  And rest peacefully, our Littles Ones.  
« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 19:41 by Liz »

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1140 on: June 06, 2008, 19:23 »
SKypilot what a wonderful idea to put a link to a picture that speaks volumes of today's events from a different perspective to yes remember the heroic efforts of Kyle Schmit and the Team tried to do today. Thank-you skypilot

Offline skypilot

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1139 on: June 06, 2008, 19:18 »
Here is a link to the Winnipeg Free Press picture of the rescue attempt.  It has Princess and Kyle Schmidt, the firefighter who went out to try to rescue the chicks, but the ledge hides the chicks.  That's what I want to remember, all who cared, not the bodies.  Anyway, if this is what you want to remember also, here is the link. 

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1138 on: June 06, 2008, 19:15 »
I just thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing...I have just finished reading all the posts on the other threads and I think its fairly safe to say that this has been a very traumatic day for all of us who have been following this family.

I have to just say to all of you, thank you all for the compassion, the support, and the sharing of raw emotion during this tragic time.  This could easily have been a time for bitterness, anger and finger pointing...but it wasn't..and that is a testament to the love we all have for nature and these beautiful birds, as well as the respect we have for each other and for Tracy and her team.  I do believe both birds and humans did the very best they could given these unfortunate combination of circumstances.

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1137 on: June 06, 2008, 16:21 »
I posted this in another thread but we just had our eggs on May 22 and May 25, so never say never.
Our  transmitter female in Edmonton who no longer has the nest box(it was taken over) migrates to south America every year and it is amazing that these birds follow the same path there and back within 100 km.  Truly remarkable species.
so cross your fingers everyone. 
anyone living in Winnipeg ,if you see the pair please let us know.

Offline Pchemist

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1136 on: June 06, 2008, 16:05 »
I got the note this morning as we all did from Tracy, and was all day traveling.  It wasn't until I just now got home I could log on and find out what was happening.  I am, along with all of you, devastated.  I am also profoundly thankful for all the efforts that were made to save the chicks.  In some ways, I think it was a blessing I didn't have to live through it as many of you all did.   :'(

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1135 on: June 06, 2008, 15:53 »
I'm so saddened that the chicks did not survive.  Any chance that Trey and Princess will re-nest and try again or is it too late for this year?

It isn't too late for a re-nest, I think we have had one, maybe two, re-nests that were this late, but I don't remember exactly.  Trey and Princess have expended alot of their energy and stored resources on producing eggs, incubating and now brooding.  I think at this point it will be a question of do they feel they have enough resources to try again and do they think there is enough time left in the breeding season to do so.

Question regarding their migration:

Trey did not show up in Winnipeg until a couple of weeks after Princess this year.  Does that mean that they migrate to different spots south and then meet back again in the spring?  I'm amazed at how they know their way back to the same place after travelling thousands of miles. 

When we get reports of our birds down south, it is individual reports so I can't say for sure that they some of our birds haven't travelled together all or part of the way to wherever they go in a particular year.  What I can say is that all our birds disappear at different times - usually chicks first and then the adults.  With this pair, usually Trey leaves last.  As to when they will leave this year, couldn't say.  They may re-nest or not.  If they don't, this is still their territory and usually the resident pair (both or just one) will continue to occupy the site until the end of the season.

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1134 on: June 06, 2008, 15:51 »
"Pat, thank you for reminding folks that these are wild peregrines and that all we (the Projects and all their fans) can do is support their nesting efforts. 

And no worries, the forum, the blog, the Project website and the Falcon Cam site will remain active for a long time yet.  There is a possibility that the birds might re-nest, but only time will tell.  And given what they have been through so far this year, can any of us blame them if they decided to call it a year?

the Chick"

This is what Tracy posted in the Wild Birds Thread.  Just thought I would post it here given the question was initially asked in this thread.


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1133 on: June 06, 2008, 15:46 »
I'm in utter agreement with everyone.... I am sitting here teary-eyed.  I was out of the office since 10 local time this morning and came right home to check on them and find the headline that the chicks didn't make it.  :'(  I'm so sad... we watched these chicks since they were in their eggs.  :'(
   I do hope Princess and Trey can try again this year.
   Like everyone else has said, much thanks to Tracy and our Fire Department for the effort!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1132 on: June 06, 2008, 15:30 »
Pat, thank you for reminding folks that these are wild peregrines and that all we (the Projects and all their fans) can do is support their nesting efforts. 

And no worries, the forum, the blog, the Project website and the Falcon Cam site will remain active for a long time yet.  There is a possibility that the birds might re-nest, but only time will tell.  And given what they have been through so far this year, can any of us blame them if they decided to call it a year?

the Chick

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1131 on: June 06, 2008, 15:22 »
I am back and still am crying. Eagle 63, I know you had a lot invested in this as I do in my site in Edmonton.  I watched with love as the chicks were born. I recorded with scapes and I was so honored to watch as princess helped that third chick out in the afternoon. I have been watching many cams for a few years now and had never seen the female help like that.  that picture will become Part of my collection
As devastated as I am and I am sure you and many others are, today I felt a sense of Hope.
With so many people here and watching and the  dedication of CBC and Tracy and the firefighters. It gave me hope that these beautiful birds and others like them will always be protected . They can't help but not be with so many of us. 
My husband warned me a few years ago that I must be able to share the joy  but the many sadnesses that will come with the viewing of nature.
i am very faint of heart but I have learned that with tragedy  comes something to be learned.
We learned today how dedicated a falcon is to its young. Princess tried so hard and she trusted the firefighter to take her chicks.  she is one heck of a falcon. some were wondering where the male was, but  he knew that his princess could keep them warmer than him.   
they  may lay another clutch . we here in Edmonton  have eggs just laid May 22 and 25th. 
But if they do not they will be back and hopefully nest in the nest box

I will keep checking in on this site. I have been busy since the hatching  but I will hope  for another go at it.
so my friends let us think of the joy those little ones brought us. fly Free my young ones.  Be at peace

Your falcon Friend

« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 15:24 by bev. »

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1130 on: June 06, 2008, 14:48 »
Many of us are wondering that very thought and we won't know until Tracy is able to provide an answer. No doubt she is inendated with stuff today and is feeling just as raw about all of this if not more so than any of us because of all the time she has invested to this project. She and the team have an up close an personal investment in this project.

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1129 on: June 06, 2008, 14:45 »
Emeraldeyes, you make an apt point about so many being cut off from nature. Some people have no interest in nature, some of love nature. I can only speak for myself as someone having loved nature for 30 years and understanding that Mother Nature does truly have the final word in matters concerning nature it still deeply saddens my heart to have witnessed this. However I am equally glad to know that there are other people who have invested just as much of their own personal lives in watching this webcam feel the same way I do. It gives me hope that there are still many who care about Mother Nature and still feel the loss personally while the many who could care less go about their busy hectic crazy lives not giving a rat's you know what about our feathered friends.

Offline tortiebird

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1128 on: June 06, 2008, 14:41 »
I was wondering the same thing...


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1127 on: June 06, 2008, 14:39 »
Am inconsolably sad, but also encouraged to know there are others to whom this family meant so much.  In today's world where so many of us are pretty much cut off from nature, it was such a privilege to be able to observe birds just doing what they do.