Ok, all of you can rest easy, all 4 chickies are back home on the ledge or in the nestbox

. Saw them with my very own eyes.
Beautiful day here, great for watching the birds, a lovely blue sky that makes it easy to see the birds flying.
When I got downtown, two were on the ledge, one on the nestbox ledge, and one on the south ledge. So south ledge guy made his way over to the north ledge by a series of flights. He first took off and landed on the north side of the hotel on the top floor. He stayed there for a bit, took off again and then landed on the roof ledge above the south ledge. His third try was sucessful, he made a launch off the roof, came west almost over my head, turned and made a pretty good landing on the north ledge. One girl was wingercizing, the other was watching and our other boy was on the ledge. At one point one of the grils jumped onto the ledge with the boys, but she didn't stay there long and went back into the box.
A great start to a beautiful day.