Author Topic: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess  (Read 577423 times)

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Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3750 on: July 06, 2010, 13:04 »
thanks TPc, for all your great explanations. It also helps me during our fledge watch ,to keep that all in mind.

Bccs, glad the air quality was fine ;D ;D

I do not have much time today to watch so I am watching through all of you. :-* :-*

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3749 on: July 06, 2010, 12:34 »
Thank you to each and every one of you that keep us out of towners (that would love to be able to join but cannot because we are too far) posted on the fledge watch.  I speak for myself when I say it almost makes me feel like I am there.
I am not overly familiar with downtown Winnipeg, so I was just wondering how close the new Manitoba Hydro building is to the Radisson and if there are worries about the possibility of the falcons flying into it because of all the glass on that building?

Offline willmax11

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3748 on: July 06, 2010, 12:31 »
The fact the two brothers made it back up to that very high nest box is a great plus for their survival.

Not sure where to post this picture but it shows Mistral on July 17, 2007 on the nest ledge. Not sure if she had fledged yet.

The ledge is just beyond and below the south end of the nest box. It was sheer terror watching them run up and down that narrow ledge. LOL

(Some other pics show last years east ledge and the first flight paths. Also how high the Radisson is.)

From TPC: Please note that we replaced the nestbox after the 2007 nesting season - the box is now larger front to back and side to side and there is more space undercover - the front and sides are also higher, makes it more comfortable for the adults to perch on the box edge, and helps to keep cam-viewers from panicking when they see the chicks at the edge of the box - the edge of a cliff ledge is not like a nestbox edge and the chicks from those nests do just fine.  Only difference is that we can't see them!!  ;D
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 16:43 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline ShoeChick

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3747 on: July 06, 2010, 12:24 »
Greetings All;

Had my first chick watch experience yesterday evening and thought I'd share a few observations particularly for those out of towners.  After work I couldn't resist driving downtown and parked kitty-corner to the ledge, north side of Portage on Hargrave.  It was around 6:30 - 7pm, didn't see anyone with binoculars or cameras so just hung out on my own for a half hour.  Didn't have binocs but was able to see the action on the edge of the nestbox and ledge.  Also saw an adult flying around keeping a watch on things.

The thing that struck me the most that is not 100% clear when you view the cam is that when they are wingercising on the edge of the box they are basically doing so as if on the edge of a cliff - it;s straight down on the other side as part of the box jutts out from the building.  The ledge situated slightly lower and to the left of the box is not very wide, and also straight down.  The chicks must all get a good dose of bravery in the genes!

TPC, Eyespy and everyone else who goes up there, even if they access the nest box from the inside of the building are also very brave and obviously dedicated beyond belief.  I am not afraid of heights myself but know that it would take a lot to get me near even the back of the nest box.  CHICK TEAM - YOU ARE AWESOME

I should mention that it makes sense that the birds choose to nest so high up.  Clearly, not much can get at them at that height.  Then, when they are ready to try their first flight they have a longer distance to start flapping wings before they near the ground.  If they were to jump from a lesser distance, there is less opportunity for wing flapping and catching the wind.  I guess you could say the greater distance to the ground, the greater the chances of initial success.

Anyway, I had a blast watching the show.

Offline ballywing

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3746 on: July 06, 2010, 12:13 »
Spent 40 minutes in front of MTS centre - saw 1 chick on side ledge and 1 chick on nest ledge - then both went in the nest - then NOTHING!  :( - Bad timing I guess. Saw bccs marching down the street on a mission too  ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3745 on: July 06, 2010, 11:30 »
Note about the "girls" ... they fledge later than their brothers, can be up to 10 days though I don't think that will be the case with Isis (red) though Aura (green) could just take her time.  If they don't fledge for the next couple of days, no worries, that is very normal.  They are bigger and it takes longer for them to develop enough to handle flight - remember females are usually half again the size of the males.  Isis will probably be that when she fledges, not sure if Aura will be, so far, she looks a wee bit smaller than her sister, but definitely larger than her brothers!!

And for those of you worried when they fly ... keep in mind that the peregrine chicks have been doing this for a few thousand years now so they pretty much have the kinks worked out evolutionarily speaking.  Yes, the nest on cliffs, that gets them up above all the stuff they have to worry about flying into.  The nestbox is high, but it is actually the safest nestsite we have for fledging chicks in the city - despite the other tall buildings.  For those of you in Winnipeg, think about where the building is situated, except for the Kensington Building across the street, all the buildings for a block in all directions are lower than the Radisson nestbox.  And the Kensington Building isn't a big concern because its on the east side of the Hotel and the box is on the west.  So chicks jump off and aim for a high building a couple of blocks away, they immediately lose a bit of altitude, then start flapping and with enough distance, they gain altitude again and that's how they stay up above it all.  We have a FledgeWatch in part because we can, in part because we want to increase the chicks chances for survival in their first year and lastly because until they figure out how to gain altitude when flying, they have a greater risk of ending up down on the ground and they don't yet have the strength or skill for the vertical take-offs that we are so used to seeing with the adults.  They make it look effortless, but it isn't, takes a bit of time to get all the various mechanics coordinated.  

First couple of days are the highest risk in terms of getting grounded.  Once they have been out and flying for a few days, being able to get back to the nestledge is usually a good indication that they are quickly mastering the necessary skills and the risk of getting grounded goes down significantly.  

The chances of getting hurt are ever present but getting hurt due to inexperience decreases daily - then its just hurt due to an accident rather than first flights and their is nothing one can do about that really.  In Ohio this year we have had two deaths in the last week and a bit - a fledgling on I believe his/her first/second flight, that would be a fledging death in my records and the death of the resident female which is one of those tragic accidents that happen to peregrines - no reason, just an accident.

And as a final note, we have far fewer fledging injuries/fatalities from the nestbox than the nestledge, so altitude does have its advantages.

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3744 on: July 06, 2010, 11:26 »
Looks like two adults on the MB Hydro sign - keeping an eye on things?  One for sure is an adult, pretty sure about the other (but not 100%!). 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3743 on: July 06, 2010, 11:15 »
For folks wanting to join on FledgeWatch, my suggestion is pm me and I will add your name to the private FledgeWatch board - its private so folks are comfortable enough to post times they are available and make arrangements for meeting each other or transportation or whatever.

For those who aren't in Winnipeg or who can't participate in the street level FledgeWatch, no worries, all observations will continue to be posted where they've always been so you won't miss a thing!  And just because you can't run around chasing the birds with us here, doesn't mean that you aren't helping when you watch the cam - you are!!  Sometimes that's the way we know who fledged when!

Thanks to everyone involved here on the Forum & on FledgeWatch.

Offline allikat

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3742 on: July 06, 2010, 11:14 »
"Get a life". My response, "at this time, the Royals ARE my life".
That's what BccS and I say as well!  We are addicted!   ;D

Offline bcbird

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3741 on: July 06, 2010, 10:52 »
Especially this week.

Offline bccs

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3740 on: July 06, 2010, 10:37 »
Ding, that is the correct response GCG      ;D

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3739 on: July 06, 2010, 10:24 »
 :o OMG, allikat, I just noticed that you too, as well as bccs, have over 5000 posts. Congratulations, and congrats again to you, bccs.  ;)
My husband said to me yesterday, "Get a life". My response, "at this time, the Royals ARE my life". LOL

Offline Doreen

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3738 on: July 06, 2010, 10:19 »
Miss (Red) Isis having a snack right in front of the camera.  Looks like all four are Home ;D  Don't want to leave the comforts of home ...........can't imagine why not..........smell must be horrendous :-X

But maybe that's a wonderful smell to the chicks, like Mom's home cooking. ;D

Offline Ellie

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3737 on: July 06, 2010, 10:17 »
Miss (Red) Isis having a snack right in front of the camera.  Looks like all four are Home ;D  Don't want to leave the comforts of home ...........can't imagine why not..........smell must be horrendous :-X

Offline bccs

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3736 on: July 06, 2010, 10:04 »

Pam and I went out to test the air  ::),  we saw on chick on the nest box and Ivy on the I on the Manitoba Hydro building.

The air is fine. ;)