We were at the site Sunday night ,April 25. Radisson was on her perch, proud as punch.
Then the male flew in amongst a slew of pigeons and started stooping them . We thought he had one ,just on south side of heart building ,but he was thwarted again.
Off he flew east of College plaza.
A bit later we saw pigeons scattering and knew someone was close by. sure enough ,there he was ,chasing a magpie off one of his favorite roosts ,directly across from us. We made ourselves scarce, in the stairwell.
He then flew over to Heart building and roosted on the west corner . Off he went again , soaring around the clinical science building and Radisson flew over to his spot. We knew what was going to happen.The male circled around and then came in and there was copulation.
The male flew off and went into the nest box for a bit .Radisson stayed on the corner of the Heart building
We could not see Radisson later ,so we think there was a stash on Heart building roof .
When we left, to check out Weber again, no one in view.
We came back quite late and the male was on the top aerial of Windsor place and Radisson was on the inside perch of nest box
Slide show