Part 2
Everything was nice and quiet and then the silly ravens thought they would make their move to the nest box.
Well bad plan.

One went under the female falcon and headed to the box and off the female flew. Dove right at it ,,between the clinical science and Heart buildings. I always hold my breath when they do this. The buildings are so close.
The other raven flew over to nest box also and the male falcon darted from the College Plaza and over. they dove and chased them off. I do not think the ravens knew they were there.
I think they scared the **** out of the ravens.
The male falcon circled back and went back to his roost, the female flew back to her spot .
Eventually the ravens went to a pillar on parkade adjacent to us. I really think they thought they would nest there this year but not build a nest. I think they thought all that mess would be a soft cup.
They then flew behind the clinical science building and our female flew on top of clinical science to keep an eye on them.
We usually wait till at least one turns in but it was getting dark and cold , and I think our pair were standing guard to make sure the ravens stayed away. When we left the silly things(ravens) were on a pillar .
I hope they find a spot soon. And I hope they stay away from the box, because the falcons will be relentless.
I also hope Gordon gets up there this week and cleans the box. It really needs it and he said he has to add more gravel also and sprinkle with powder.( The ravens may try and sneak in when the falcons are away from site. )
So I am thrilled to have them both back. I would be very surprised if it were not the same pair as their habits are the same and their roosts are the same.
So the female must have come in today.
I will try and post a slide show tonihgt but if not tomorrow. It is supposed to storm tomorrow so we will see.
BEv and Peter