Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson  (Read 141825 times)

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2010, 09:49 »
Bev, how tireless you are! Lucky for us. Keep up the good work and good luck with the camera, batteries and of course, the peregrines.

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2010, 09:33 »
Peter and I made a quick trip down last night. 

No camera. Remember we thought it was the battery. well there is something wrong with my new camera??

When Peter phoned , they said it was on recall ,so we couriered  it yesterday to Toronto and I should have it back by next week but my son-in-law will lend us his today and then we will put my memory card in it and download the pictures from the other day. Sorry

But we did see the female on the south west side of clinical science building when we got there . She had supper there. It looked big.  We wanted to see if yesterdays supper was still on the ground. Peter thinks construction workers picked it up as we could see no feathers. Unless, the Mrs. picked the whole thing up. The male certainly could not.

The male came in from the north and flew around the female and they both flew to the heart building.  She was perched on the edge and was cacking up a storm . I thought for sure he would fly around and canoodle , but no cigar .  ::) ::) We lost track of him and then she started flying around the clinical science area cacking.  And then off she flew.

Peter and I went for a short walk and that is all it took.The male was perched on the diabetes building looking north and she was not far away on the medical engineering building, facing north also.
That is where we left them. 
We will probably not go down again till the weekend again. I am saying male and female until I positively ID them.

I jsut like to make sure things are running smoothly. Of course there is nothing I can do if not, but I i am getting my lasso ready , just in case.   ;D ;D
We have a friend in the University hospital so maybe I can sneak a peek before then  ;) ;)

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #61 on: April 14, 2010, 05:08 »
Thanks for the report Bev!  Sounds like a fun evening with headless pigeons and dead cam batteries to booT  :P

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #60 on: April 13, 2010, 23:40 »
[Part 2

- Female flies off College Plaza and right over to nest box. she sits on perch facing in)

-Male then flies off and around and ends up on NW corner of Windsor Apartments(right next to college Plaza)

-Female goes inside box and then back on perch. she then flies off and goes to SW corner of top ledge of college plaza.

- Male then flies off and goes around to Female (we thought they were going to mate), but he veers off and flies to SE corner of clinical science on an aerial.
then he flies to top middle roof of University Terrace(right across from us) and no camera  ::) ::)

-About 8:12pm Male flies around the college plaza and then lands on aerial at top
- at 8:16pm male flies off and turns in for night

-8:25pm Female flies off her spot and turns into same place as male

We check it out and they are on same ledge but opposite corners(she is making sure he gets her breakfast ,bright and early in morning

and thus our saga ends

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #59 on: April 13, 2010, 23:36 »
Part 1

Well Peter and I are a comedy of errors  ;) ;). We will have pictures ready in a day.  the battery went dead In camera(but got some really good pictures up to then) and when we put other battery in , it was dead :o  :o . I had charged it up and it was a new battery.   ??? ???

We got down to site at about 7:10 Edmonton time/

- Male was on NW corner of the Suite hotel and Female was on the bottom of the moon.(remember that sign)

- Male flew off East and around the building and landed on the top of E on Suite.

- Male then flew off and was flying high around the parking lot of hospital ,across from the Newton apartments

- then he landed on one light standard. then flew over to another  light standard( now we thought this strange because it is quite low to the ground)

-The female flies to NW top corner of College Plaza.

- We see something on ground ,by green work trailer, not far from where male is perched.

-I went down to check it out(Peter thinks,dead falcon, I think pigeon)

- As I am crossing the street, male flies north to  top south side of Diabetes building

- I check out the dead carcass. Yup, big headless pigeon. He must have clipped it mid-air and it dropped.( We will check the pictures to see if we can see it in pictures.) this is where our camera dies. ::) ::)

« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 23:38 by bev. »

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2010, 23:33 »
here are  pictures from  cam today. I am sure it is Radisson but until they clean lens and box  it is hard to see band

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2010, 15:05 »
We do have 2 home here . I am jsut trying to confirm ID

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2010, 22:31 »
That site  de Mortal is very special to me :-*

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2010, 20:36 »
Hey Bev,
Great to see your PF's got past the storms. Thanks for keeping us up to date and for the pics. I still haven't caught anyone at the Edmonton site when I've looked.
I noticed your post on the de Mortel site last week. It's a small world!

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2010, 16:14 »
I have quite a few shots and am trying to get bands
It is blurry inside the box

click on picture for slideshow

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2010, 14:40 »
Someone home just now..looks like Radisson..but understanding this is all assumption until Bev or someone gets a look at the bands.   :-*

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2010, 11:48 »
just caught someone home. 
I do not knwo for how long but flew right away after I got on.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2010, 08:40 »
Had a terrific wind, snow and rain storm in St. Albert late yesterday. wind still strong. so we went and checked on falcons. Visibility was not good and we saw only one hunkered down but in the wind and snow last night ,one could have taken cover somewhere else.

Will not be out there again until Saturday sometime.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2010, 19:42 »
Love your detailed reports, bev! Thanks! :)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #49 on: April 08, 2010, 18:45 »
Hi Elaine, I will send them to you in a bit via e-mail

anyone else s cam down. Mine jsut  went . Java running and running