I've been meaning to do an update for weeks now but I'm usually so tired when I get home and I'm glued to the panda cam now...lol! But I still check on my guys several times a day.
I haven't seen Elena since September 17th, on that day she had breakfast with both Jack and Angel and that was the last I saw of her. Hopefully she's somewhere safe and I have a feeling I'll be hearing about her again someday - she really turned into a strong, impressive female I must say!
Jack spent about 7 days glued to Angel and the nestbox for a change. They did their rebonding and in between all the echupping, they cleaned the nestbox as was evidenced by all the bones, wings and other assorted pieces of 'prey' that came flying off the ledge. For the past week though he's been here and at his other site as I've read on Mathew's site. I guess he's splitting his time evenly between both sites now. I saw him defending against something with Angel yesterday but no sign of him today at all.
I have to say I'm not looking forward to next spring now, I know that sounds awful but the thought of him trying to run two nest sites and all the problems that entails doesn't excite me. I'm going to hope that either the TR male recovers or another male comes around before then. We had enough nest site failures this year, I hope next year will be better. They haven't released any stats for this year but I can guess we had about half the eyases than what we had last year, if even that.
I've been meaning to go over on your board Alison so I can thank C&C for their wonderful photos of Lara and Rocky and the two boys. Honestly I felt such pride when i was reading about Lara trying to feed them even after they had dispersed, it reminded me so much of something Angel would do. Even though Elena obviously was doing her own hunting when she came to hang out with Angel - Angel would still stand guard over her while she was eating and chase any pigeons off the rooftop near her. Nice to see she inherited her mom's protectiveness