Well dad a.k.a Jack has been around alot lately, I think they've been strengthening the bond as he seems to be hanging out with mom on the ledge from time to time.
Last night when I left work...always when I have no binoculars handy of course!!...I came out and dad was alarm calling and chasing someone. I couldnt' tell what it was but I honestly think it may have been another falcon but can't be sure. He was going nuts, mom jumped down off her cam but didn't alarm or join him in the chase..she just watched intently. One of the boys joined dad and the three of them raced through the skies way down out of sight. The interloper got hit by dad at one point in the distance and I saw him fall downwards and both dad and son were on him...then I saw him gain some height and race off with both in hot pursuit. Mom and Elena, who was on an adjoining ledge just kept watching until all three vanished from sight. I watched for about 10 minutes after that hoping to see them come back but they didn't and I had to go for food.
I will do a check on them all this morning and make sure everyone is okay but it certainly looks like they had the best of whoever it was. The third one was the exact same size as dad and for sure it was no pigeon. Interestingly they zoomed off in the direction of Jack's 'other' site so I'm wondering...what happens if he flew into his other territory and his son came fact to face with his stepkids or the girlfriend...lol...I wonder what they'd do. It would be like the Brady Bunch....my three kids, your three kids...stay tuned for the next episode of As the Falcon World Turns