Spent the morning down at the site today. jack was back on his old sign perch again. He was there yesterday too for the first time since last years juvies left so I figured my timing is spot on. Saw him catch a pigeon in mid air again, that's only the second time I"ve seen him do that and it's so cool! The funny thing is he was on a ledge defeathering a prey he had just caught and this poor pigeon was coming in to land on the ledge, realized the bird there was NOT another pigeon and tried to back out in mid flight, Jack just reached out and grabbed him and I heard a goodbye squak and I think that lunch went to TR mom as he briefly left and headed towards there and came back 15 minutes later.
He gave mom a nice long break today, she ate, she preened and she relaxed. She was awfully squirmy in the nest box and could actually see her moving around in there today so something is up!
Something interesting happened today, Jack noticed me and actually came over to where I was - which was in the middle of the street about 1 block down from the nest site - and he came down lower than usual and circled three times above me?! I'm not sure if that's some sort of falcon voodoo curse but I think he was trying to tell me he's onto me

I did what any respectable coward would do and I bowed my head in submission and then he flew back up to the ledge.