It was very sad to lose the Lincoln chicks in such a terrible storm. In fact, Alley and 19/K lost three chicks this year; one of the first two chicks who hatched lived only a short time.
The same storm also took the lives of the two chicks at the University nest in Terre Haute, Indiana. It was very sad to lose these chicks, too, since this was only the second time chicks had hatched in the area in the past 50-60 years.
Alley and 19/K were not seen at the nest for some time, but recently both have been spending time at the nest once again.
I would like to confirm that this is Alley; certainly looks like her to me, but she is listed as having a black band on the left leg, while this bird has a black band on the right leg.

A closer look at the band; since Alley is ten years old, the band is worn and scratched, but I think I can see A/*Y. What do you think, TPC?