Beau is home so we know what happened to Smiley - not so smiley in the end. Don't think there was a territorial skirmish over Jules, she really wasn't much interested in Smiley. She is definitely interested in Beau however

Dennis and I watched <non-PG13 behaviour> for a couple of hours today. At last sighting the lovebirds were off on a long gliding courtship flight to the east/north-east of the Diner. And yes, they both have been on the Diner which is a major accomplishment this year - they were on their usual corners, something we didn't see with Jules and Smiley. The only times we saw Smiley and Jules together on a building together, she was one place he was about as far away from her as he could be without her taking off on him, which is something she seems to have done alot of. So she really was waiting for her beau to come home, or rather waiting a little bit longer for him to come home.
Even though Beau is a fan of nestboxes and may well drag her back to nestbox #2 we are still going to exclude her from the 2011 nestsite so she doesn't get so much as a chance to nest there. He's only just back so she not ready to drop eggs yet so we have a few more days before we start having to run to a deadline.
Good new though now that Beau is home!! (And yes, Dennis and Wowzer did their thing
