Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules  (Read 71968 times)

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #410 on: September 20, 2012, 17:43 »
Somebirdy at the diner this morning at about 8:30 on the "v" facing west.

hey Cooper - the bird was facing west?  there isn't a "v" on the west side of the building ...  ???

Couldn't the birdie be facing west and still be sitting on the "v"?  :-\  ???

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #409 on: September 20, 2012, 16:43 »
I just came home and saw the birdie is sitting on the "v" facing south. I don't think I've seen them on the v before.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #408 on: September 20, 2012, 09:31 »
Somebirdy at the diner this morning at about 8:30 on the "v" facing west.

hey Cooper - the bird was facing west?  there isn't a "v" on the west side of the building ...  ???

Offline Cooper

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #407 on: September 20, 2012, 09:07 »
Somebirdy at the diner this morning at about 8:30 on the "v" facing west.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #406 on: September 19, 2012, 22:53 »
Just got a report that one of the WW females turned up back at the hack site looking for free food ... and yes, she got it!  :D
Hmmm... interesting. So, as long as any of the WW fledglings continue to show up at the hack site, they'll continue to be fed, even if they have learned to hunt for themselves? :-\

No, just luck in this case, the bird was there long enough for the attendant to chase up a treat for her.  She'll be gone shortly from what I have seen of the migration patterns in the US.  A couple of captive-bred birds released this year are spending more time south of the border now and we are seeing this year's birds (adults and kids) much less often and for shorter periods of time, so 'tis that time of the year.  The treat was so they could get her to hang around a bit longer so they could get a look at her to try to see how she'd been faring.  And she looked good!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #405 on: September 19, 2012, 18:44 »
Just got a report that one of the WW females turned up back at the hack site looking for free food ... and yes, she got it!  :D
Hmmm... interesting. So, as long as any of the WW fledglings continue to show up at the hack site, they'll continue to be fed, even if they have learned to hunt for themselves? :-\

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #404 on: September 19, 2012, 13:00 »
What was she think, that she lives in lower B.C... LOL
See life was better at home..

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #403 on: September 18, 2012, 16:07 »
Just got a report that one of the WW females turned up back at the hack site looking for free food ... and yes, she got it!  :D

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #402 on: September 18, 2012, 16:02 »
Don't suppose she stopped to declare anything at the border. ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #401 on: September 18, 2012, 12:05 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls just made a trip into the US but was only there for the day before returning north of the border and I believe back to her sister near Lake Winnipeg ...

Tsk, another example of same day cross border shopping?
Are you serious, like she just went down to the states for the day??

Yup, down and back.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #400 on: September 18, 2012, 08:48 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls just made a trip into the US but was only there for the day before returning north of the border and I believe back to her sister near Lake Winnipeg ...
That IS very interesting. She must be be really bonded to her sister. LOL! ;)

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #399 on: September 17, 2012, 23:05 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls just made a trip into the US but was only there for the day before returning north of the border and I believe back to her sister near Lake Winnipeg ...

Tsk, another example of same day cross border shopping?
Are you serious, like she just went down to the states for the day??

Offline bcbird

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #398 on: September 17, 2012, 22:53 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls just made a trip into the US but was only there for the day before returning north of the border and I believe back to her sister near Lake Winnipeg ...

Tsk, another example of same day cross border shopping?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #397 on: September 17, 2012, 22:24 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls just made a trip into the US but was only there for the day before returning north of the border and I believe back to her sister near Lake Winnipeg ...

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #396 on: September 15, 2012, 06:49 »
It was confirmed that Beau was perched at the Diner Thursday ( Sept 13th. ) sign of Jules