so we are on female number 3 right now. First one was not banded and we are almost positive that 2nd one was white band girl from U of A last year. we got 2 o f letters and numbers and she was gone before we could get the other, but the male was not interested in her, it appeared. She was a yearling so probably moved on
But we confirmed with Gord, on SAt that we had Green girl form 2013 U of A nest. Radisson and Chases daughter
I am so thrilled as she was found 2.5 weeks into fledge she was found on ground by a bridge. appeared dazed.
long story short, when Gord finally got her back, he took her home , bathed her, straightened out her feathers, and got her ready. WE released her late in August on top of jut of Clinical science. It was a long shot that Radisson would accept her. Well she did not bu t Green girl handled herself great . talons locked but Radisson did nto hurt her and she was chased out. We found her at back of campus . later in evening she came back but Radisson kept dive bombing her. my heart was heavy as Green girl kept calling as the young do. MIght have been different if there were siblings there but male was out on Pemibina and she lost her sister to the Maz.
anyhow we thought we saw her once more that season but could not be sure. Gord told me , that she was a Diva and she would be back nesting at one of our sites.
and here she is. for now.
here she is now
here is her banding adn a few of her day of relase

and there is MIss E . will she return. should know in next few days. A lot of our birds are late. depended on where they were all storms hit.