It has been quite the year here.
part onealthough I have missed the easy way of MIss Edmonton, it has been interesting to watch our Green Girl. In her first year, I am sure she has learned many things.
A young one had to be taken right after it was born. Well , 2 days later. It would not have survived. Green girl , being inexperienced , was only feeding 2 at first and then the third one got fed. The 4th did not stand a chance , so Dr. Court( Gord) was called , and he took it out. It was almost a goner when he got it. But he put a syringe in its throat and gave it fluids from Quail . That kept it going till he got it to our holiday place for peregrines.
It was actually comical when first 2 were born , to see green girl put prey on top of them . Like feed yourselves LOL
Luckily the male (DO1 ) came in and fed them . Then he also came in and touched up feed after green girl fed, to feed 3 .
AS the season progressed , 'Green girl got better and better but she has a lot to learn. It is amazing how much she resembles her mom ,Radisson, from U o f A.
Blue male and yellow male and black girl , were self feeding 2 weeks before other nests. It was either meant to be that way, or once again inexperience of Green girl.( Maybe we should call her MIss Green ). But they were always topped up by Do1 and Green girl.
And the boys were dragging in duck.

this is video a friend sent me of feeding of duck. It is long but worth watching and you hear the kids also to have 3 flying here was not meant to be. We had a bad series of storms move in and we saw Blue drenched , and then did not see him. I contacted Gord, as i could not get down there, as I was monitoring one of chicks from U of A , that ended up in a spruce tree in the pouring rain.

Blue boy was found on ground , drenched, so Gord took him and eventually hacked him out at Pembina.
Yellow fledged around July 18th or 19th. Not quite sure but Peter found him on a ledge , at Weber.( 5 am in morning ) He felt he was O.k. and sure enough a few hours later he was back at nest box, eating. ( WE were trying to keep an eye on WEber , in between monitoring U of A .
I had a person , that went down there quite often for us , and i went down before and after my shifts. I also had a friend who watched the cams from home and kept us updated. A few days after Yellow fledged, we had another bad storm, so Peter went down early morning again. He saw , black girl, on an air conditioning unit on upper parkade at WEber.
He thought he should rescue but before he could, she flew. She had nice height but was probably wet. Peter said she flew around WEber and if she had landed on ledge or Ramada , she would have been O.k. but she went south , and he lost track.
He looked all over for her and so I went down and looked also. once again made a call. She was found not far from where we were looking, on a piece of construction equipment, by a worker. He phoned Fish and wildlife and they rescued her and took her to Gord. So she went to Pembina also. She could have been just as easily run over as it was right on one of our busiest roads Calgary Trail .
By the way both were reported to be doing very well, on PembinaSo now we just have yellow band male left at Weber. Would I have liked to see the others there , of course. But honestly, they were better off , at this point , at Pembina. It is a paradise there.
Yellow band was well fed and he flew so well. He loved to sit on the roof of the box, and he tormented the adutls LOl
here is a video I did on season at WEber . but then go to part 2. It gets very interesting