Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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I got an e-mail and with  the  head winds etc. and cross winds  they think will hold the transmitter girl up.  She may be in this evening but if not tomorrow morning. They will not get another reading for a few days now which will be too late for us.

I had to babysit this afternoon and am going  out tonight.  I wish I could stay and watch here but it is a function for my husbands work.  My fingers are crossed .  Please e-mail me if you see anything.  the biologsits are probably watching also.  the biologists are hoping people  are watchng the cam. but if anything happens we might not even see it.

I am going out with positive thoughts .

For the last two years the Transmitter girl was in south Edmonton on the Weber building. This was after she lost her fights.

She lost her site in 2007 to Balzac girl, after a nasty fight . The biologists separated them. She tried again the next day and was chased off. She flew around south of Edmonton and then north of Edmonton and ended up on the Weber building.
Last year she tried again but lost and went right to the Weber building.  when her wounds healed she tried one more time , we believe, at the site and ended up in Rehab.
So I am really hoping that she has realized that is not a good place to try.

The transmitter male lost his  site in Ft. Saskatchewan but ended up on a trestle bridge outside of Ft . Saskatchewan and successfully mated and had 2 chicks.
Unfortunately his transmitter stopped at the end of September and so they do not know where he is.

Peter and I know all the sites in the area and we went to the Trestle bridge last year and observed. We observed at a few more also.  so when the weather smartens up we will go for a gander.

There was a falcon at the Weber building last night and I took a picture and sent it to the biologists. I am hoping it is a male.
This building is not a good nest site though.
I am keeping positive thoughts and praying for good measure.

The Peregrine Chick:
Homeless has been homeless for a number of years - if there are other nestboxes in Edmonton she may just buzz by the Campus and move on.  And she spent a bunch of time near Red Deer didn't she last year?  If not Red Deer, where was it?  As I recall there was another dislodged/homeless male that floated around last year too ....

Basically, she hasn't be successful here for a couple of years, no reason to assume the worst.  Her imperative is to produce offspring, she hasn't been able to do that for a couple of years so the chances are just as good that she will find another location.  Think of Ivy - last year he tried his luck at the Radisson then moved to West Winnipeg.  Trey's father was the same way and spend a few years at the U of M campus before taking over the Radisson territory when his father disappeared in the midst of incubation ...

Think happy thoughts ...

Is it possible she may not try for the nest this time after having lost the previous year?  Perhaps she might do a quick fly-by and see someone home and just keep on flying?

Keeping positive thoughts here for both girls.

I just received this e-mail. needless to say I am very sick inside right now. I do not know if I am cut out for this.  I am hoping  transmitter girl does not come to the site. I am sure the bilogisets will be there this weekkend.  I have been praying so please keep your fingers crossed.

Homeless crossed the border this morning. At noon April 24, i.e. and hour ago she was just west of Pakowki Lake, south-east of Foremost.  I would expect her 'home' tomorrow afternoon! Sunday at the latest  I will check the website this evening to see if any further transmissions tell us where she is by nightfall.


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