Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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I will write a report later as I am on my down to both sites

was at Weber until 11:15 last night and it was a good evening. I am hoping things are back to normal(what is that :))
Lots of good things to report.

I believe it is the same male. nest ledge was only unattended for 15 minutes yesterday. male and female were both there
and when I left Miss E was still in scrape.

So will do a better write up later

no eggs yet . but she is going to the scrape. so if things settle down I am hoping for 1 or 2. It is getting late but...

Thanks, TPC.  ;D

bev (or someone), catch me up here, please.  Eddie doesn't have eggs yet right?  I know you can't see the nest, but I don't think they've been together long enough to produce eggs??  Or right about now, maybe. 

Bev just read you story on BCAW about what is going on in Edmonton.  Hoping for the best as always.   Great that we have more falcons this year but if they keep this up, they won't have any offspring to follow them!!

Hey Bev. Know you are trying to stay calm. I hope everything sorts itself out. Edmonton has sure been an exciting place this year, maybe a bit too exciting! Thanks for sharing your careful notes with us, it paints a great picture of what is going on (even if that is still not totally clear).


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