Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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I will try and find Peter pictures of male form Sept5. ;) ;)

I will give a report today about Weber building.

What a year. Miss Edmonton looked as though she was batting a thousand . But although the male went missing I was able to alert Gord soon enough so that at least one egg hatched. I truly think God intervened because I think the chicks would have drowned in the same storm that took 3 of the Red Deer chicks. So hopefully a nest box next year.  No pictures yet of Miss Edmontons chick  but she is named Ramada and Helen says she has a pleasant disposition. They are just starting to fly her. Yes, she will used by them for falconry and breeding. I am happy with that as it was too late to foster her into a nest. Helen says they will give a chick back next year , which means that if a nest needs an extra chick , they will provide it.

MIss Edmonton did acquire a new beau and one picture shows her eating a pigeon 2 ledges below the male . so he probably provided it, which holds in good steed for next year. You can bet that if I was here at the time I would have been down there all the time observing. but Peter did a good job just catching them.

I will try later to get a better picture of the male blown up. He was gone when we got back.  Last year the Damon left on Sept 29-30(from University) so I am assuming this male left around then if not sooner. we did not see him when we came back.

so Miss Edmonton is looking real good and last night we caught her eating her supper.  We have seen her every night this week so far. I like to watch until they leave. this time of year is so quiet, and it always brings tears to my eyes. We never know what  the next season will bring . we all have our favorites and Miss Edmonton and Damon are mine.  but I would call this a success for Miss Edmonton . she has an offspring. Way to go 

Hi Everyone: Mr. Bev (Peter) here. Went down to the site at U OF A tonight. Saw Dad fly up and land on his perch on the aerial on the Windsor Park Building. Was walking towards the Education building when I saw a falcon sitting on the corner of the building. Took a picture and then the falcon flew over my head and just above me on the building behind me I saw Mom. The falcon who flew over, I'm sure was Froona, by the size and the way she looked. She landed where Mom was but Mom took off and flew down to the College Plaza building. Froona then took off and landed on the back of the Suite Hotel. In any event I saw the three of them. The boys were no where to be seen and are likely gallivanting around the country side. Dad and Mom turned in at their usual spot and Froona flew off somewhere, I could not see where.

I then drove down to the Weber building and it was getting pretty dark. I managed to see a falcon on the "R" on the Weber sign and another one on the NE corner of the Weber building 2 floors down. Both seem to be still there. Hopefully this turns into something next year. Looks promising anyway.

Good to see my wife back on the computer. Am going to have to teach her how to type and spell though.


--- Quote from: carly on September 05, 2009, 18:39 ---Go Miss Edmonton!!  Hopefully she will indeed have someone to come home to next Spring...I hope she has a safe migration and look forward to seeing her have a successful nest full of babies next Spring.  She certainly deserves it...she's a survivor that girl!!

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So so happy to hear about Miss Edmonton.  You go girl!!!  Get that mate waiting on you wing over talon  :P


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on September 01, 2009, 09:35 ---Try the "it will keep the pigeons away" benefit ... I get asked to install nestboxes on totally unsuitable buildings all the time because the managers want to keep the pigeons off their building (for free) and they figure I can tell the peregrines what to do  ::)

Don't know the management structure, but if you've been talking to building management, try higher up the administrative foodchain or the building's owners.  Peregrines are great for publicity, keep pigeons down and they can claim to helping the environment by "hosting" a species-at-risk.  You've probably been doing this already, but had to be sure since I know how badly you want a nestbox there.  Keep in mind, that a box isn't always necessary ... and some birds won't use them even if they are there ...

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There a lots and lots of pigeons in Regina and gulls too.... ::)


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