Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Go Miss Edmonton!!  Hopefully she will indeed have someone to come home to next Spring...I hope she has a safe migration and look forward to seeing her have a successful nest full of babies next Spring.  She certainly deserves it...she's a survivor that girl!!

Hi: Peter (Mr. Bev) here. Just went down to the Weber building to check on "Weber Girl" aka "Homeless" aka "Transmitter Girl". Saw her sitting on the W proud as punch and to my surprise off to the right of her on a ledge just below was another falcon. Could be she has found a new mate. Wouldn't that be great! I took pictures but don't know how to add them to this post. Haven't had that lesson yet from Bev. Also went down to the University of Alberta but only saw the adult female. Not surprising as it was the middle of the day. I'll go down again in the evening in a day or two and I'm sure I'll see more of them. Its getting that time of year where they are thinking of migrating so would like to see them as much as possible.

Bev won't be back till the end of September as she has to still play nursemaid to Dad and I will be going out there to help her and hopefully drag her away for a short holiday.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: bev. on August 07, 2009, 12:17 ---I have been keeping an eye on Miss Edmonton ,s well. She is still well and looking good and watching over her site.  We are still trying to get a nest box there.
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--- Quote from: bev. on August 12, 2009, 12:07 ---A lot of smooth talking. they refused Gord so I am elected. 
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Try the "it will keep the pigeons away" benefit ... I get asked to install nestboxes on totally unsuitable buildings all the time because the managers want to keep the pigeons off their building (for free) and they figure I can tell the peregrines what to do  ::)

Don't know the management structure, but if you've been talking to building management, try higher up the administrative foodchain or the building's owners.  Peregrines are great for publicity, keep pigeons down and they can claim to helping the environment by "hosting" a species-at-risk.  You've probably been doing this already, but had to be sure since I know how badly you want a nestbox there.  Keep in mind, that a box isn't always necessary ... and some birds won't use them even if they are there ...

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Holly-Birdeze on August 12, 2009, 12:52 --- ;D  I just love the name "Miss Edmonton"  I hope Winnipeg get's a "Miss Winnipeg" or even "Miss Manitoba" - hey why not both!  ....one day... ;D 
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We had a Winnie after Winnipeg (and just like "the Pooh") who was a very productive young lady in Omaha, Nebraska - our first bird in the US if I remember correctly.  Her kids are still around in Topeka and I think in Wisconsin ...

Congrats to you and your team of watchers. You have attracted so much good publicity that it surely can be put to advantage to help getting a nest box for this site. A snowball effect so to speak, all the news from one site and now the possibility of another site to watch should make some people reconsider. The public has started to become involved and with the chance of another site, it could get even bigger. Keep doing what you can and I certainly applaud you and everyone else for making good things happen with the falcons. Lot's of good wishes :)


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