Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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On Tuesday night we stayed to witness an exchange at Weber.
all seems it be going well.

I think I am just nuts Elaine.  I do to know what else to do. this is a relatively high building but no buildings closeby. You know where it is. With that main road eight there , I am not sure where they fledge to. Will have to talk to Gord so I know what to watch for. but I am getting very tired.

So many sites in Edmonton and I cannot be everywhere . So I  try and keep watch on these 2.  I know one other is watched but employees. downtown is just not watched, and same for others. I try and make a few stops on way from Sunday breakfast but... just not enough time.

We are parking in a different spot Elaine. Better viewing. I will e-mail when I get a minute.

Elaine L:
Holy smokes, Bev, you guys are dedicated!  I drove by the Weber Building three times on the weekend, going around the back, and I did not see you guys or the falcons, so I think my observation skills need to be refreshed.

Bev, you and Peter are top notch to do all this observing and reporting. 
You know the old saying, "The couple that goes birding together stays together!"


--- Quote from: bev. on May 31, 2010, 16:32 ---Have been extensively watching site since last Monday night and Pete and I  camped out there on the weekend in the rain and snow. Well we were in our car, but stayed there 4-5 hours on Saturday and 8 hours yesterday. do I have a life?????

--- End quote ---

What would life be without peregrines?  ;)  ;D


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