Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Around 4-5pm youngster flew off roof and around to perch next to net box. He then went NE soaring . NO sign of adults

8 PM
there was no sign of anyone . WE looked all around . We finally saw male adult on the R of Centre on the Centre 104 building( quite a ways from WEber. ) this is a good place to see who is coming into area.  We then went to parkade roof of WEber ,below nest box. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw 2 falcons flying by. One had food in talons, cacking. I believe this was the youngster ,as the other one was ahead. this was a very late feed.
Went to back of building and saw Miss Edmonton on W facing WEst. Youngster must be on a low roof just beyond. too dark to see. Dad was still on back of Centre 104.

This week has been stressful, but other than that our little guy is doing well. He is a great flier.  I will try and take some pictures of area tomorrow, so you can see there are not many high buildings in area, so he lands low on rooftops to eat. That sometimes is a worry because  of all the wires, but he has taken my heart. He has a a nice personality. He does knock dad off his perch at times but not as aggressive as I have seen at the Clinical.

We thought we had a take over  earlier this week. WE have had so much bad weather and rain that it was hard to tell who was who at times. They were all dark ,from being wet and all puffed up. Scope is on my Christmas list. The only way I was able to tell ,until today, it was our female was because she has the dark band on her right leg instead of her left. I came home last night and looked at pictures  I took at banding. Sure enough ,her dark  number band, is on right leg. Gord did the same thing with Blue when he rebanded her. I do not know if this was an accident , or so they can tell that they have had to pick them up. Gord had Miss Edmonton at one time. Gord takes the bands off when he tethers them . Usually the dark band is on left leg.

And you will see from my posts that there was some weird behavior. Behaviour , we had not seen at this site before, or ever. Goes to show that just when you think you know what they will do, they do something different. I have a learned that a change in mates, is a change in a lot of patterns.

I hope I do not bore you with my posts but I di not knwo where to begin and end. I have so much.  good luck and I hope you enjoy. we did attempt a few videos so please bear with us.

Hi Carly, I am taking the report out you just saw and put quite a few more in and then put it back. sorry. My computer conked out and I did not want to loose the writeup

Thanks for the report Bev, never a dull moment in Edmonton  :o 

I am far behind but I am going to post from Sept1-10 and then in a few days I will do picutres from Aug 11 to Sept 1 Have some good ones.

First off:  The little guy put at the Weber site is progressing nicely.He has no broken bones, not even a ruffled feather. Gord figures, he hit a wire (it was very smokey that day). He has a possible soft tissue injury in shoulder.Gord is working with him personally. He sent me a picture  and said he has a great personality. He will work with him for the rest of the year, and keep me posted .
Here is  a pciture taken by Gord


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