Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Sept 8

This was the night that we thought that maybe we did not have Miss Edmonton. Things were so strange.

6:30-8:30pm - Adult male was on last E of Centre on West side. Miss Edmonton(we were not sure)was on W facing in. We thought something was wrong with her as male started catwalking toward her and then flying off and all around her and flying right in her face and would land almost on same letter. this continued for quite sometime. He was non stop on flying up, and down, and around her .  what in the heck is happening here ? Is she O.K.????  We see the youngster on the Ramada facing south

OH!!!! the female is moving and she has prey under her. The male flies at her again and off she flies (someone squeals) with the prey in her talons, male in hot pursuit. they fly around building and off south, across from Weber. The young male joins in the chase .They fly low over buildings in front  of  us. We loose track of who is who.  Now one is on microwave tower across from Weber. ONe is on back of roof just south of Microwasve tower. I think both adults. So hopefully kid is down on roof eating. WE went over by the building

Did I mention it has been wet and cold here. Well once again , it started to rain and both adults flew onto WEber.  We ran over to car and drove up to parkade roof of WEber and then we spotted one adult on roof of building we just came from. I t was  the male as he flew back over to WEber. He was probably looking for left overs.  We found the youngster tucked in on The  C of Centre  104 facing south.   All accounted ford ad it is pouring.

time to paddle home. I hope they all ate. I think the female was trying to eat before the male started dive bombing her.  what a weird night. I have been watching for 5 years and never saw this before. So is this our female???

Slideshow of evening - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=2b039555.pbw

video of male and female. We are green at this so please have patience when you see blank spaces. We will learn how  to do this . I am not sure why it buffers.  but it gives yo an idea of what was happening - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=WEBER_17.mp4

click on picture Peter is trying. We did not know how to edit these - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=WEBER_06-2.mp4

Sept 7

Due to a life I sometimes have  ;D ;D I could not go again until Sept 7.  When I got there  Adult was on Stelllite dish facing EAst and adult male was on top ledge on NW corner.  this sort of indicates the kid is on a roof somewhere. Silly me did not bring camera and could have had great pictures.

So I went up on parkade roof and saw youngster right across from me on low roof (I think it must have just eaten) . adult male flew over to W on Weber on east side(while I was talking) and youngster started to cack.Then youngster flew off towards Ramada and then flew low over my head and perched on NE ledge (4 above me) I could have had great shots. I sort of hid so as not to spook him.

I will take some pictures tomorrow of building and area so you will know what I am talking about

Sept 5

Noon - Only saw male and youngster Male flew off and came back.  Youngster seemed content. M on middle of W when we left

slideshow - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=1d40f928.pbw

Sept 5

Went back 3 times. Can you tell we are very uneasy .

10 am - Saw adult M on letters of Centre , Miss Edmonton on top of nest box and youngster on 4th ledge down on NE side.  then went for Breakfast(we did   ;) ;))




Sept 4

Miss Edmonton was on W on east side of WEber. Then another falocn came flying in. It flew all around the top of the Weber. It flew out from Weber and landed on roof at back of WEber. Then it came around front and perched on R of Centre on East side. the  same side as Miss Edmonton(we believe this was a sub adult) . Miss Edmonton  did not move or acknowledge her. Very strange. they both sat there for quite some time. The other falcon was picking at leftovers on the R .

The Male adult came in and landed on the N . H e came in with a bit of food. He even bowed to her. Now how immoral is that.  :wink: As soon as the the other falcon started to hop toward male, Miss Edmonton , made her move and flew right at her. Male and female fly around building.
(Of course Peter is on other side with camera, seeing what is happening. )The action is all in front of me.   ;D ;D Two falcons come around , flying together and then they fly  onto W and bow to each other. Cannot tell anymore ,who is who.  A falcon goes into box, not sure who. Then all of a  sudden , there is chupping and  flying and action on roof top ,that we cannot see(my heart is pounding). They go off south west, wing touching and chupping.

Finally things settle and we believe we have Miss Edmonton on top of Weber and Male on one of letters. We check back of Centre 104 and the youngster is there on one of the letters. 

Because we try and have a life  ::) we left. (We have had the adults ushering out other falcons continually.) This is late for nesting and it is time for migration. we believe our blue banded female from Clincal science was here her begging for food.(The day before she was rescued form vent fan at another spot.)

Slideshow of story - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=135b480b.pbw

Slideshow of subadult flying - http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x135/fullbrandt/album%20name/bev49/?action=view&current=WEBER_31.mp4


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