Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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here are some updates with a few photos and slideshows 

August 5

After a long wait ,we finally saw 2 of the kids f ledge for the first time.  It was day 44 for the 2 oldest.I never get tired of the thrill of watching them. Of course your heart pounds also.  ::) ::)   Miss Edmonton flew off the Weber and flew all around showing one of them what to do. She did this several times and then he  flapped his wings and became vocal. And  I knew he was going to fly. He did exactly as he was shown. It is  just so amazing to see the adults follow them.

Miss Edmonton was off like a flash and followed him all the way and was right behind him when he flew to top of roof. then he was off again and did it a few more times. Bravo . Of course, Peter said , "did you get the shot to see the band." Whoops!!! I was just too busy watching. But we did get some shots before he flew . their flying started out at back of building so we then went around to  southeast face .

Just then another youngster flew off the opposite direction (east to west and around and onto roof)than the first one but did the exact same thing. With dad flying behind him. He also went one more time. Missed that shot also :sunno:  :sunno:

We only ever did see 2 kids at once. Are they the same two or different???

It was getting late so we headed off to university, all 3 dogs in tow.  they  do enjoy the walks.

Peter is downloading all the picutres from here so you may have them sooner than all the others I have,.

when we got there if you remember ,it took us awhile to find any kids. then we had one on north corner. Miss Edmonton flew around and around above building and  swooped down, showing juvenile how to do it. We went around side and  saw him flapping and when he started talking , we knew it was going to happen.

Miss Edmonton was there all the way. I did not get him flying but got him coming in. he flew off north face and  went arounf the back(west). he flew out a bit south west and then back and up on roof of west face.  You can go back and read report. We saw 2 flying that night and we believe they were both first flights , just from what we have seen in the past 6 years.

I put a picutre of building with 2 direction on it.

When we get there we are usually facing east part of building. I call that the front and west , I call the back. south face has a road adjacent to it. Parkade is below east face. we go there but are very careful. If kids are present there , we stay off.  


--- Quote from: bev. on August 04, 2011, 13:06 ---...Hoping for good things here. Those that know me know how special MIss Edmonton is to me. so I hope her chicks all make it.
--- End quote ---

I know how special Miss Edmonton is to you, bev, and talons crossed for successful fledgings of her chicks. :-*

Hoping for successful fledging, Bev!

peter were out at weber on Monday Aug1. We believe th chicks were on the roof as Miss Edmonotn was on an aerial looking down.

We think we saw one peering out but not sure. We will be going down tonight, and have a lto of things in place if one should come to the ground. I cannot be there much but we will do what we can. thye all have our numbers.

the oldest is 43 days old today and the youngest is 40 days old. sounds old but they are behind in development becasue of our severe weather in July.
Hoping for good things here.
Those that know me know how special MIss Edmonton is to me. so I hope her chicks all make it.

Bev I just want to thank you for all your posts and photos of the Edmonton birds.  I don't know how you do it but it is greatly appreciated.


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