Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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As of Sunday Sept4, all were accounted for. we even saw on nearly catch a pigeon.

will go down again tomorrow and the weekend.

I'm so glad to hear that all is going well at this nestsite, bev. :D

Great news and great shots Bev! :)

Sunday August 7

We were down for a few hours in the afternoon and were treated to flying displays by 2 kids and 2 adults. What a treat. It was very windy so landings were sloppy. We only got yellow and blue bands but... who knows . they just flew around and off the WEber building while we were there and of course a lot of tagging..   these guys are quiet compared to others we have watched. We did not ever see 3 at once that day.
I will post some  of these later

Monday August 8

We went down right after Peters work and I was determined to see 3 kids. Our friends at Bin 104 said they were treated to flying but only saw 2 kids. Now our youngest would be 44 days old and our youngest male at Uni did not fly till day 44 so... WE were treated to flying but again only saw 2 kids at a time but that does not mean 3 were not flying. one could go back to roof and one fly off.  One of the ones that flew moved to southwest corner of building so I went to investigate there., as we cannot see back of building from where we were or north side of buidling. Peter drove over to east side , where we usaully start from. ( silly us forgot our cell phones   ::) ::)
I just kept walking around back of building and around north side while keeping one kid in view. I spotted one lying down on north eastcorner by nest box. I figured one I had jsut seen fly . then one from west corner started catwalking over to northwest corner and then the other one moved there also. I moved back and  took a closer look and saw 3 heads . Yes, there are 3in view. My heart was full.  the one in the middle is RB and you can see it is darker that the other 2 I walked quickly to where Peter was and we drove back. we got picutres of all 3. Peter asked if my one kid had flown and when I said no, he said, as he was driving, 2 were flying by east part of roof.  he could not stop to take picutres Yes, 3 are flying.

So I am happy.  I am psoting the picutres of all 3

with Peter out of town tomorrow, I should be able to work on most  picutres from both sites., if I get my chores done



Saturday august 6

Well did we get lucky today. When we first got there we only saw Miss Edmonton.the we saw a head and then the body of a kid on roof facing west. WE went up to parkdade and hit the jackpot. Miss Edmonton flew off and the youngster followed. she was giving him gliding lessons.  Not real high up but she flew and he followed. Similar to the show we got at the University a few days after YB flew. and  yes, Peter had the camera so we have pictures. And coincidentally, this was a YB also. Just awesome to watch. Peter loves this part and so do I.

WE jsut kept going around looking for more kids.  as we were looking at south side of Weber I saw a youngster land on west face. so we rushed around and there he was , sitting like a old pro on top of roof just above the B of Building. We are not sure if we can read the band. Will see, as pictures are downloading. So now we have DAd sitting  on an antennae on south roof, this one on west roof , perched like an adult, and Miss Edmonton  on an aerial on north roof , one kid on nest box roof. so I go walking, and yes, I am so excited. I see the 3rd kid peeking out on roof just a ways from nest box on nor ht roof. I have 5 falcons in view . this made my day  :-* :-*

3 kids. Now we know 2 are flying and whether this one is or not, we will have to wait. but 3 kids.   The youngest kid is 41 days old today.

this slideshow is from Saturday august 6

MIss Edmonotn shows YB how to glide and fly. they went just off west roof and out southwest a bit and back.


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