Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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Yikes! Drama is right! I cannot imagine what it might be like to observe an encounter between a bald eagle and a peregrine falcon! :o

Elaine L:
Drama here yesterday.  A bald eagle flew into Roger's and Spirit's territory; Spirit was the first to notice, and took off after it, attacking it repeatedly; then, within seconds, Roger came racing in like a jet fighter and joined the battle.  The eagle did its best to defend itself and turned over to reveal its claws to its attackers.  This did not bother the falcons, who kept on him and chased him out in short order.  I sure hope he is o.k.; no one wants to see a bird just flying through have to suffer a injury.

Meanwhile, the chicks are fine, and Eve expects them to fledge within a couple of days or so.

Elaine L:
I snuck a quick peak at our female foursome, who are a month old now.  They just completely fill up the nestbox, and moving about - well, there just isn't enough room, they can hardly turn around.  Much more time will be spent outside soon, where they will have room to stretch those wings.

Elaine L:
I just left the Brandon site, and what a difference there is here.  These four females are sleeping soundly, bunched so close together they look like a fluffy blanket.  I wish some of this comfort for the Brandon falcons.

Elaine L:
I am so glad that Spirit is a feisty chick, as you pointed out, Bev.  I did not see her attack anyone when I looked at the video, she was just making a huge racket and she looked fit to kill, but what I saw was more talk than action.  Anyway, maybe because she remembers this banding procedure from previous years, she did not want to launch a big offense and risk injury for something she knows will not be harmful to the chicks.  I think Roger is perhaps a tad more laid back, but they are both so experienced, and I am very happy they are passing on their good genes to their offspring.


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