Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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In March 2007, I was watching the Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning webcam when Erie, the resident male (and father of the new female in Rochester) battled in the nest box with another male. He finally threw the other male out of the nest box. I didn't know it then, but he killed the other male, and the other tiercel was Pulse from Hilliard Road Bridge, who was by then three years old. So Spirit is the last survivor of these four chicks from five years ago.

Spirit and her unbanded mate, Roger, have been provided with a nest box, and are currently incubating eggs.

Spirit in 2004:

Spirit and Pulse:

Spirit now:

Great great news!!!  Come on Spirit..now we just need to find you a mate!


There is a new falcon at the University of Montreal, and she has been identified as being from the Hilliard Road Bridge nest in Cleveland. Her name is Spirit (band black/green 93/E), and she is one of four chicks who were born in 2004 to the great Buckeye and his mate Hillary. The chicks were Turbo, Pulse, Mystic and Spirit.

Turbo disappeared very shortly after fledging; Chad and Chris Saladin spent the whole day searching for him, and they found his body. It seemed that he had encountered some type of predator.

Pulse fledged and landed on the ground, but was able to gain height and fly up high enough to be safe. Mystic and Spirit also fledged successfully. Later in the summer, Mystic was found with a badly fractured wing, and she did not survive the surgery to repair it.


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