Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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Elaine L:
From what I have been reading on this site, the experts feel that there is almost no chance of these eggs hatching, but they have their fingers crossed .  Eve says that what is likely to happen is that eventually the parents will sense that the eggs are not viable, and will leave them.  She says it is possible that they may try again this year. 

No one seems to know with any certainty why the parents tolerate Polly's presence.  They have theories:  because Polly is handicapped, because they do not see her as a threat and feel that she can help them with babysitting duties; and also, Polly's hormones have not kicked in, and this makes a big difference.


--- Quote from: Elaine L on April 23, 2010, 10:54 --- I am not sure about whether or not Polly is all there; she just does not seem to have a natural instinct about this whole process, or peregrine life, for that matter.  I do hope things work out well for her.

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I agree with Bev that Polly is just young. She knows that these are not her eggs, and that she has been somewhat discouraged by Spirit and Roger from being near them. I think that by next year, things will be different.

Meantime, I think she looks really good, and I notice that she has considerably more range of motion in her injured leg than she did last year. She is getting around much better.

In 2008, when Brent showed up at the King Plant nest in Minnesota for his first year, he was two years old. He didn't know the correct way to make a scrape, but Belinda straightened him out on that. When Belinda started laying eggs, Brent was so excited; his new favourite thing was to roll the eggs in and out of the scrape! He soon settled down to incubate the eggs instead. Last year, he had so much more confidence and knew exactly what to do. It can just take a little time for young peregrines to learn what is expected of them.


--- Quote from: Elaine L on April 23, 2010, 10:45 ---Alison, those photos of Spirit's family are fantastic! 
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Yes! Those photos certainly are stunning, Alison!!! :-*

--- Quote from: Elaine L on April 23, 2010, 10:54 ---...I am not sure about whether or not Polly is all there; she just does not seem to have a natural instinct about this whole process, or peregrine life, for that matter...
--- End quote ---
Hopefully you're right about Polly just needing to mature a bit, bev!

She is just a year old and so all of those instincts are not there yet. and hopefully she will not cause any more problems. 

I hope for the best possible outcome for this site.
I watched this morning and they were off eggs for quite awhile, but the temperature is warm.

Elaine L:
Eve posted a video yesterday of Polly trying to take over incubation duties from Spirit.  But although she tried, she just could not see to get the knack of it:  she was up and down, then circling the eggs, then touching them, then trying again to sit properly on them, all to no avail.  I am not sure about whether or not Polly is all there; she just does not seem to have a natural instinct about this whole process, or peregrine life, for that matter.  I do hope things work out well for her.


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